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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, B, I, 2M and R

ABNORMALISMabnormalism n. Synonym of abnormality.
ABNORMALISM n. the state of being abnormal.
BACKSWIMMERbackswimmer n. Any of various aquatic insects, of the family Notonectidae, that swim on their backs.
BACKSWIMMER n. one who swims on the back.
BRAHMANISMSBRAHMANISM n. the religious and social system of orthodox Hinduism, also BRAHMINISM.
BRAHMINISMSBRAHMINISM n. the religious and social system of orthodox Hinduism, also BRAHMANISM.
CHAMBERMAIDchambermaid n. A maid who handles the chores in a bedroom.
CHAMBERMAID n. a maid who makes beds and does general cleaning of bedrooms (as in a hotel).
COLUMBARIUMcolumbarium n. (Historical) A large, sometimes architecturally impressive building for housing a large colony of pigeons…
columbarium n. A pigeonhole in such a dovecote.
columbarium n. A building, a vault or a similar place for the respectful and usually public storage of cinerary urns…
IMPERMEABLEimpermeable adj. Impossible to permeate.
impermeable adj. Not allowing passage, especially of liquids; waterproof.
IMPERMEABLE adj. that cannot be permeated.
IMPERMEABLYimpermeably adv. In an impermeable manner.
IMPERMEABLE adv. that cannot be permeated.
MEMORABILIAmemorabilia n. Objects that are connected to or remind their owner of past events.
memorabilia n. Things worth remembering: noteworthy points.
MEMORABILE n. something memorable.
MEMORISABLEmemorisable adj. Alternative form of memorizable.
MEMORISABLE adj. able to be memorised, also MEMORIZABLE.
MEMORIZABLEmemorizable adj. That may be memorized.
MEMORIZABLE adj. able to be memorised, also MEMORISABLE.
MISERABLISMmiserablism n. Alternative form of miserabilism.
MISERABLISM n. the quality of seeming to enjoy being depressed by gloomy art or music, also MISERABILISM.
PROCAMBIUMSPROCAMBIUM n. the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.
TIMBROMANIAtimbromania n. (Dated) a passion for stamp collecting.
TIMBROMANIA n. a craze for stamp collecting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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