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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, H, P, R and T

ABIOTROPHICabiotrophic adj. (Medicine) Relating to or involving abiotrophy; relating to or involving the functional loss of an organ…
ABIOTROPHIC adj. relating to abiotrophy, bodily or mental loss of function or degeneration for reasons unknown.
ASTRAPHOBIAastraphobia n. An abnormal fear of thunder and lightning.
ASTRAPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of thunder and lightning, also ASTRAPOPHOBIA, ASTROPHOBIA.
ASTRAPHOBICastraphobic adj. (Rare) Morbidly afraid of thunderstorms.
ASTRAPHOBIC adj. suffering from astraphobia, a morbid fear of thunder and lightning, also ASTROPHOBIC.
ASTROPHOBIAastrophobia n. A fear of stars and celestial space.
ASTROPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of thunder and lightning, also ASTRAPHOBIA, ASTRAPOPHOBIA.
ASTROPHOBICASTROPHOBIC adj. suffering from astrophobia, a morbid fear of thunder and lightning, also ASTRAPHOBIC.
BATHYSPHEREbathysphere n. A spherical steel deep-diving chamber with perspex windows, in which persons are lowered to the depths…
BATHYSPHERE n. a submersible observation chamber.
BIRTHPLACESbirthplaces n. Plural of birthplace.
BIRTHPLACE n. a place of birth or origin.
BLEPHARITICblepharitic adj. Relating to blepharitis.
BLEPHARITIC adj. relating to blepharitis, inflammation of the eyelid.
BLEPHARITISblepharitis n. (Pathology) An inflammation of the eyelid.
BLEPHARITIS n. inflammation of the eyelid.
CHAMBERPOTSchamberpots n. Plural of chamberpot.
chamber␣pots n. Plural of chamber pot.
CHAMBERPOT n. a container for urine etc.
EROTOPHOBIAerotophobia n. Fear of sex; negative attitudes towards sex.
EROTOPHOBIA n. fear of sex.
HYPERBATONShyperbatons n. Plural of hyperbaton.
HYPERBATON n. the use, esp. for emphasis, of a word order other than the expected or usual one, as in 'Bird thou never wert'.
PATCHBOARDSpatchboards n. Plural of patchboard.
PATCHBOARD n. a panel with multiple electrical terminals.
SUBCHAPTERSsubchapters n. Plural of subchapter.
SUBCHAPTER n. a subordinate part of a chapter.
TRANSPHOBIAtransphobia n. Hatred or fear of transgender and transsexual people.
transphobia n. (Chemistry) The preference of pairs of high-trans effect soft ligands to avoid being mutually trans…
TRANSPHOBIA n. intense hatred or fear of transgender people.
TRANSPHOBICtransphobic adj. Exhibiting transphobia.
TRANSPHOBIC adj. showing intense hatred or fear of transgender people.
TROPHOBLASTtrophoblast n. (Cytology) The membrane of cells that forms the wall of a blastocyst during early pregnancy, providing…
TROPHOBLAST n. the outermost layer of cells in the morula that attaches the fertilized ovum to the uterine wall and acts as a nutritive pathway.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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