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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, B, H, P and 2R

BARBERSHOPSbarbershops n. Plural of barbershop.
barbershops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of barbershop.
barber␣shops n. Plural of barber shop.
BAROGRAPHICbarographic adj. Measured using a barograph.
BAROGRAPHIC adj. relating to the measurement of pressure.
BARYSPHERESbaryspheres n. Plural of barysphere.
BARYSPHERE n. the area of earth underlying the lithosphere.
BIOGRAPHERSbiographers n. Plural of biographer.
BIOGRAPHER n. a writer of a biography.
BRACHYPRISMBRACHYPRISM n. a prism parallel to the brachydiagonal.
BURSARSHIPSbursarships n. Plural of bursarship.
BURSARSHIP n. the office of a bursar.
HYPERBOREANhyperborean n. (Greek mythology) One of a race of people living in the extreme north, beyond the north wind.
hyperborean n. (Usually humorous) Any person living in a northern country, or to the north.
hyperborean adj. Pertaining to the extreme north of the earth, or (usually jocular) to a specific northern country or area.
HYPERCARBIAhypercarbia n. (Medicine) the condition of having an abnormally high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.
HYPERCARBIA n. hypercapnia, also HYPERCAPNIA.
PROSOBRANCHprosobranch n. (Zoology) A gastropod with gills in front of the heart, formerly thought to belong to a single group.
prosobranch adj. (Of gills) Placed in front of the heart.
prosobranch adj. (Of a gastropod) Having gills placed in front of the heart.
SHARPBENDERSHARPBENDER n. an organization that has been underperforming its competitors but suddenly becomes more successful.
SHOPBREAKERshopbreaker n. One who breaks into a shop with unlawful intent.
SHOPBREAKER n. a person who breaks into a shop.
VIBROGRAPHSvibrographs n. Plural of vibrograph.
VIBROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording vibrations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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