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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, B, H, 2L and N

ANNIHILABLEannihilable adj. Able to be destroyed completely; capable of being annihilated.
ANNIHILABLE adj. that can be annihilated.
BALLHAWKINGball-hawking n. (Sports) An act of catching or obtaining possession of the ball in a skillful manner; the action of a ball hawk.
BALLHAWK v. to act as a good defensive player.
BALLYHOOINGballyhooing v. Present participle of ballyhoo.
BALLYHOO v. to promote by uproar.
BELLHANGERSBELLHANGER n. a person who hangs and repairs bells.
BELLYACHINGbellyaching n. Whining and complaining, often contrived to evoke pity or shirk responsibility.
bellyaching v. Present participle of bellyache.
belly-aching n. Alternative form of bellyaching.
BETHRALLINGbethralling v. Present participle of bethrall.
BETHRALL v. (Spenser) to enslave.
BRONCHIALLYbronchially adv. In a bronchial way.
BRONCHIAL adv. belonging to the bronchi and their ramifications in the lungs.
CHILBLAINEDchilblained adj. Afflicted with a chilblain.
CHILBLAINED adj. having chilblains.
CLUBHAULINGclubhauling n. (Nautical) A risky maneuver whereby a sail-boat tacks (turns into and through the wind) by dropping…
clubhauling v. Present participle of clubhaul.
CLUBHAUL v. to force a sailing vessel onto a new tack.
HANDBALLERShandballers n. Plural of handballer.
HANDBALLER n. one who plays handball.
HANDBALLINGhandballing v. Present participle of handball.
handballing n. (Sexuality, slang) The act of inserting a hand into a partner’s anus.
HANDBALL v. to handle the ball in football.
HIGHBALLINGhighballing v. Present participle of highball.
HIGHBALL v. to go at great speed.
LABYRINTHALlabyrinthal adj. Like a maze or labyrinth, intricate or convoluted. labyrinthine.
MOTHBALLINGmothballing v. Present participle of mothball.
mothballing n. The act of something being mothballed: taken out of service and stored for possible later use.
MOTHBALL v. to put into mothballs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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