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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing A, B, 2E, F and U

AFTERBURNERafterburner n. (Aviation) A device in a jet engine which injects fuel into the exhaust system to increase the thrust.
after-burner n. Alternative spelling of afterburner.
AFTERBURNER n. a device incorporated into a turbojet engine to provide extra thrust.
BALEFULNESSbalefulness n. The characteristic of being baleful.
BALEFULNESS n. the state of being baleful.
BANEFULNESSbanefulness n. The state or quality of being baneful.
BANEFULNESS n. the state of being baneful.
BEAUTIFIERSbeautifiers n. Plural of beautifier.
BEAUTIFIER n. one who beautifies.
BUFFLEHEADSbuffleheads n. Plural of bufflehead.
BUFFLEHEAD n. one who has a large head; a heavy, stupid fellow.
IRREFUTABLEirrefutable adj. Undeniable; unable to be disproved or refuted.
IRREFUTABLE adj. that cannot be refuted.
LIQUEFIABLEliquefiable adj. Able to be liquefied.
LIQUEFIABLE adj. that can be liquefied, also LIQUIFIABLE.
PUTREFIABLEputrefiable adj. Capable of being putrefied.
PUTREFIABLE adj. capable of putrefying.
REFUELLABLErefuellable adj. Capable of being refuelled.
REFUELLABLE adj. capable of being refuelled, also REFUELABLE.
RUBEFACIENTrubefacient adj. Making red.
rubefacient n. (Medicine) A substance for topical application that produces redness of the skin, e.g. by dilating the capillaries.
RUBEFACIENT n. an agent that is a gentle irritant producing increased blood circulation and reddening of the skin where it is applied.
UNDEFINABLEundefinable adj. Not definable.
undefinable n. Anything that cannot be defined.
UNDEFINABLE adj. not definable, also INDEFINABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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