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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, I, P and Y

APPRECIABLYappreciably adv. In an appreciable manner; to a large extent; considerably.
APPRECIABLE adv. capable of being perceived or measured.
BIOPHYSICALbiophysical adj. Of or pertaining to a combination of biology and physics.
biophysical adj. Of or pertaining to biophysics.
BIOPHYSICAL adj. relating to biophysics.
BRACHYPRISMBRACHYPRISM n. a prism parallel to the brachydiagonal.
BRADYPEPTICbradypeptic adj. (Medicine, dated) Having abnormally slow digestion.
BRADYPEPTIC n. one who is slow of digestion.
CULPABILITYculpability n. The degree of one’s blameworthiness in the commission of a crime or offence.
CULPABILITY n. the state of being culpable.
CYBERPHOBIAcyberphobia n. Fear of computers and technology.
CYBERPHOBIA n. fear of computers.
CYNOPHOBIAScynophobias n. Plural of cynophobia.
CYNOPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of dogs.
HYPERCARBIAhypercarbia n. (Medicine) the condition of having an abnormally high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.
HYPERCARBIA n. hypercapnia, also HYPERCAPNIA.
HYPOBLASTIChypoblastic adj. Of, or relating to the hypoblast.
HYPOBLASTIC adj. relating to the hypoblast, the inner or lower layer of the blastoderm.
INESCAPABLYinescapably adv. In an inescapable manner.
INESCAPABLE adv. that cannot be escaped.
NYCTOPHOBIAnyctophobia n. A fear of the night, nighttime, or darkness.
NYCTOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of the night or darkness.
PACKABILITYpackability n. The quality or state of being packable.
PACKABILITY n. the ability to be packed.
PECCABILITYpeccability n. The state or quality of being peccable; liability to sin.
PECCABILITY n. the state of being peccable, liable or prone to sin.
PERCEIVABLYperceivably adv. In a way that can be perceived.
PERCEIVABLE adv. able to be perceived.
PIGGYBACKEDpiggybacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of piggyback.
piggy-backed v. Simple past tense and past participle of piggy-back.
PIGGYBACK v. to carry someone on one's back, also PICKABACK, PICKAPACK, PICKBACK.
PLACABILITYplacability n. The quality of being placable or appeasable.
PLACABILITY n. the state of being placable.
PRACTICABLYpracticably adv. In a practicable manner.
PRACTICABLE adv. that can be effected.
PREDICTABLYpredictably adv. In a manner that can be expected or anticipated.
PREDICTABLE adv. that can be predicted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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