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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, E, H and P

BATHYSCAPESbathyscapes n. Plural of bathyscape.
BATHYSCAPE n. a submersible observation chamber.
BATHYSCAPHEbathyscaphe n. A self-propelled deep-sea diving submersible for exploring the ocean depths, consisting of a crew cabin…
BATHYSCAPHE n. a submersible observation chamber, also BATHYSCAPH.
BICEPHALOUSbicephalous adj. (Zoology) Having two heads.
BICEPHALOUS adj. having two heads.
BIRTHPLACESbirthplaces n. Plural of birthplace.
BIRTHPLACE n. a place of birth or origin.
BLEPHARITICblepharitic adj. Relating to blepharitis.
BLEPHARITIC adj. relating to blepharitis, inflammation of the eyelid.
BRICKSHAPEDbrickshaped adj. Shaped like a brick.
brick-shaped adj. Alternative spelling of brickshaped.
BRICKSHAPED adj. shaped like a brick.
CHAMBERPOTSchamberpots n. Plural of chamberpot.
chamber␣pots n. Plural of chamber pot.
CHAMBERPOT n. a container for urine etc.
CYBERPHOBIAcyberphobia n. Fear of computers and technology.
CYBERPHOBIA n. fear of computers.
FRANCOPHOBEFrancophobe n. One who dislikes France, the French, or French culture.
FRANCOPHOBE n. a hater of things French.
GERMAPHOBICgermaphobic adj. Alternative form of germophobic.
HYPERCARBIAhypercarbia n. (Medicine) the condition of having an abnormally high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.
HYPERCARBIA n. hypercapnia, also HYPERCAPNIA.
IMPEACHABLEimpeachable adj. Able to be impeached (of a person).
impeachable adj. That warrants impeachment (of an offence).
IMPEACHABLE adj. that can be impeached.
NECROPHOBIAnecrophobia n. An abnormal fear of death or corpses.
NECROPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of corpses.
PICKELHAUBEpickelhaube n. (Historical) A spiked helmet worn by German troops, especially during the First World War.
PICKELHAUBE n. (German) the spiked helmet worn by German or Prussian soldiers before World War I.
PURCHASABLEpurchasable adj. Able to be purchased; available for purchase.
purchasable adj. Affordable.
PURCHASABLE adj. that can be purchased.
SUBCHAPTERSsubchapters n. Plural of subchapter.
SUBCHAPTER n. a subordinate part of a chapter.
TAPHEPHOBICTAPHEPHOBIC adj. suffering from taphephobia, the morbid fear of being buried alive.
THEOPHOBIACTHEOPHOBIAC n. one with an extreme fear of God, also THEOPHOBIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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