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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, D, P and S

BACKPADDLESbackpaddles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backpaddle.
BACKSLAPPEDbackslapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of backslap.
BACKSLAP v. to show approval.
BACKSPEEREDBACKSPEER v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEIR.
BACKSPEIREDBACKSPEIR v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEER.
BACKSTAMPEDBACKSTAMP v. to mark with a backstamp.
BACKSTOPPEDbackstopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of backstop.
BACKSTOP v. to act as a backstop.
BASIDIOCARPbasidiocarp n. (Mycology) A mushroom which has basidia.
BASIDIOCARP n. the fruiting body of basidiomycetous fungi; the mushroom of agarics.
BICUSPIDATEbicuspidate adj. Having two points or prominences (As teeth, leaves, fruit, etc.); bicuspid.
BICUSPIDATE adj. having two cusps.
BICUSPIDATE n. a tooth having two cusps, also BICUSPID.
BRACHIOPODSbrachiopods n. Plural of brachiopod.
BRACHIOPOD n. a bivalve marine invertebrate.
BRICKSHAPEDbrickshaped adj. Shaped like a brick.
brick-shaped adj. Alternative spelling of brickshaped.
BRICKSHAPED adj. shaped like a brick.
BROADPIECESbroadpieces n. Plural of broadpiece.
BROADPIECE n. an old English gold coin, broader than a guinea, as a Carolus or Jacobus.
CRISPBREADScrispbreads n. Plural of crispbread.
crisp␣breads n. Plural of crisp bread.
CRISPBREAD n. a brittle, unsweetened type of biscuit.
PATCHBOARDSpatchboards n. Plural of patchboard.
PATCHBOARD n. a panel with multiple electrical terminals.
PREDICABLESpredicables n. Plural of predicable.
PREDICABLE n. anything that can be predicated of another.
PUNCHBOARDSpunchboards n. Plural of punchboard.
PUNCHBOARD n. a practice board used in the martial arts.
SCRAPBOOKEDscrapbooked v. Simple past tense and past participle of scrapbook.
SCRAPBOOK v. to keep cuttings in a scrapbook, esp. as a hobby.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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