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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, 2B, E, G and O

BAREBOATINGbareboating n. The act of chartering, navigating and living on, a boat, for a holiday etc.
BARGEBOARDSbargeboards n. Plural of bargeboard.
barge␣boards n. Plural of barge board.
BARGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable.
BEATBOXINGSBEATBOXING n. a form of hip-hop music in which the voice is used to simulate percussion instruments.
BELABOURINGbelabouring v. Present participle of belabour.
BELABOUR v. to buffet, beat, also BELABOR.
BRIDGEBOARDbridgeboard n. (Architecture) A notched board to which the treads and risers of the steps of wooden stairs are fastened.
bridgeboard n. A board or plank used as a bridge.
BRIDGEBOARD n. a board on both sides of a staircase that is cut to support the treads and risers.
BROWBEATINGbrowbeating v. Present participle of browbeat.
browbeating n. A scolding.
brow-beating v. Present participle of brow-beat.
CABBAGETOWNCabbagetown prop.n. A neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, filled with semi-detached Victorian houses.
Cabbagetown prop.n. A neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia, United States, rebuilt after the American Civil War. A National…
Cabbagetown prop.n. Alternative form of Cabbage Town.
CABBAGEWORMcabbageworm n. Alternative form of cabbage worm.
cabbage␣worm n. Any of various lepidopterans whose larvae feed on cabbages and other cole crops.
CABBAGEWORM n. the larva of the cabbage butterfly.
GRAVEROBBERgraverobber n. One who robs graves or tombs in order to sell the contents for profit.
grave␣robber n. Alternative spelling of graverobber.
GRAVEROBBER n. one who robs graves.
REABSORBINGreabsorbing v. Present participle of reabsorb.
REABSORB v. to absorb again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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