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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, O, T and V

AGGRAVATIONaggravation n. The act of aggravating, or making worse; used of evils, natural or moral; the act of increasing in severity…
aggravation n. Exaggerated representation.
aggravation n. An extrinsic circumstance or accident which increases the guilt of a crime or the misery of a calamity.
AUTOCLAVINGautoclaving v. Present participle of autoclave.
autoclaving n. Sterilization in an autoclave.
AUTOCLAVE v. to heat in an autoclave.
AUTOGRAVUREautogravure n. (Historical) A process of photo-engraving akin to autotype.
AUTOGRAVURE n. a process of photoengraving similar to autotype.
COAGULATIVEcoagulative adj. Having the power to cause coagulation.
COAGULATIVE adj. serving to coagulate.
DIVAGATIONSdivagations n. Plural of divagation.
DIVAGATION n. a wandering about or going astray; digression.
EVAGINATIONevagination n. The act of evaginating.
evagination n. An outgrowth or protruded part.
EVAGINATION n. surgical removal of the vagina.
EVAPORATINGevaporating v. Present participle of evaporate.
EVAPORATE v. to change into vapour.
GRAVITATIONgravitation n. (Physics) The fundamental force of attraction that exists between all particles with mass in the universe…
GRAVITATION n. the force of attraction between masses.
LAEVOGYRATElaevogyrate adj. Alternative form of levogyrate.
LAEVOGYRATE adj. of, having or causing laevorotation.
NAVIGATIONSnavigations n. Plural of navigation.
NAVIGATION n. the act or practice of navigating.
NOCTIVAGANTnoctivagant adj. Walking or wandering in the nighttime, nightwandering.
NOCTIVAGANT n. someone who wanders in the night.
PROPAGATIVEpropagative adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by propagation.
PROPAGATIVE adj. serving to propagate.
SOLIVAGANTSsolivagants n. Plural of solivagant.
SOLIVAGANT n. one who wanders alone.
VACATIONINGvacationing v. Present participle of vacation.
VACATION v. to take a holiday.
VARIEGATIONvariegation n. (Botany) A variation in the colour of different zones of the same plant.
variegation n. The state of being variegated; streaked, spotted.
VARIEGATION n. the act of variegating.
VARIEGATORSvariegators n. Plural of variegator.
VARIEGATOR n. something or someone that variegates.
VARIOLATINGvariolating v. Present participle of variolate.
VARIOLATE v. to inoculate with smallpox.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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