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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2A, E, L, N and W

ALLHALLOWENALLHALLOWEN adj. as in allhallowen summer, a spell of fine weather about All Hallows, also ALLHALLOND, ALLHALLOWN, ALLHOLLOWN.
ANTIWELFAREantiwelfare adj. Opposed to welfare (financial aid offered by a government).
ANTIWELFARE adj. opposed to welfare.
BATTLEWAGONbattlewagon n. (Military) A heavily-armed combat vehicle.
battle␣wagon n. Alternative form of battlewagon.
BATTLEWAGON n. a battleship.
CAKEWALKINGcakewalking v. Present participle of cakewalk.
CAKEWALK v. to step stylishly.
DUNIEWASSALDUNIEWASSAL n. (Gaelic) a Highland gentleman of inferior rank, also DUNIWASSAL, DUNNIEWASSAL.
ENAMELWARESenamelwares n. Plural of enamelware.
ENAMELWARE n. craft goods made from enamel.
LANDWAITERSlandwaiters n. Plural of landwaiter.
LANDWAITER n. an officer of the custom house.
LAWBREAKINGlawbreaking adj. Unlawful; illegal.
lawbreaking n. The commission of a criminal act, the violation or breaking of a law.
LAWBREAKING n. the act of breaking the law.
MEADOWLANDSmeadowlands n. Plural of meadowland.
Meadowlands prop.n. A wetlands area near New York City in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States, home to a shopping mall…
MEADOWLAND n. land that is or is used for meadow.
RACEWALKINGracewalking n. (Sports) A sport in which people try to walk as fast as possible, subject to the constraint that at…
racewalking v. Present participle of racewalk.
race␣walking n. Alternative spelling of racewalking.
UNALLOWABLEunallowable adj. Not allowable.
unallowable adj. For which an allowance may not be claimed.
UNALLOWABLE adj. not allowable.
UNWATCHABLEunwatchable adj. That cannot be watched; that does not bear watching.
UNWATCHABLE adj. not suitable or fit for watching.
UNWEARABLESunwearables n. Plural of unwearable.
UNWEARABLE n. something that is not wearable.
UNWEARIABLEunweariable adj. Tireless.
UNWEARIABLE adj. that cannot be wearied.
UNWEARIABLYunweariably adv. Tirelessly.
UNWEARIABLE adv. that cannot be wearied.
WALDGRAVINEWALDGRAVINE n. (German) the wife of a waldgrave.
WARRANTABLEwarrantable adj. Justifiable, just, proper.
warrantable adj. Authorized by warrant or right.
warrantable adj. Of animals: having reached a sufficient age to be hunted.
WARRANTLESSwarrantless adj. (Of a search, arrest, or the like) Performed without a warrant.
WARRANTLESS adj. without a warrant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 180 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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