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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2E, G and U

AGUARDIENTEaguardiente n. A kind of brandy made in Spain and Portugal.
aguardiente n. A strong alcoholic drink, especially pulque, found in Central and South America as well as the southwestern…
AGUARDIENTE n. (Spanish) a kind of Spanish or Portuguese brandy.
ALEGGEAUNCEALEGGEAUNCE n. (Spenser) alleviation.
ASSUAGEMENTassuagement n. The action of assuaging; appeasement.
assuagement n. The condition of being assuaged.
assuagement n. An assuaging medicine or application.
AUGMENTABLEaugmentable adj. Capable of being augmented or increased.
augmentable adj. Capable of increasing.
AUGMENTABLE adj. that can be augmented.
BEAUMONTAGEBEAUMONTAGE n. a composition for hiding cracks and holes in wood or iron, varying in makeup, also BEAUMONTAGUE.
ELAEAGNUSESelaeagnuses n. Plural of elaeagnus.
ELAEAGNUS n. another name for oleaster, a Eurasian shrub or small tree cultivated as an ornamental.
GAUDEAMUSESgaudeamuses n. Plural of gaudeamus.
GAUDEAMUS n. (Latin) a convivial gathering, esp. of college or university students.
HAEMAGOGUESHAEMAGOGUE n. a drug that promotes the flow of blood, also HEMAGOG, HEMAGOGUE.
LAUNCEGAYESlauncegayes n. Plural of launcegaye.
LAUNCEGAYE n. (obsolete) a kind of spear, also LANCEGAY.
MEGAGAUSSESMEGAGAUSS n. a unit of magnetic force, a million gauss.
PAEDAGOGUESpaedagogues n. Plural of paedagogue (alternative spelling of pedagogues).
pædagogues n. Plural of pædagogue (alternative spelling of pedagogues).
PAEDAGOGUE n. one who teaches; by extension, a pedant, also PEDAGOG, PEDAGOGUE.
QUARTERAGESquarterages n. Plural of quarterage.
QUARTERAGE n. a quarterly allowance.
RECATALOGUErecatalogue v. (Transitive) To catalogue again.
RECATALOGUE v. to catalogue again, also RECATALOG.
SAFEGUARDEDsafeguarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of safeguard.
safe-guarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of safe-guard.
SAFEGUARD v. to keep safe.
TAENIAFUGEStaeniafuges n. Plural of taeniafuge.
TAENIAFUGE n. a substance, e.g. a drug, for expelling tapeworms.
UNAGREEABLEunagreeable adj. Disagreeable; unpleasant.
UNAGREEABLE adj. not agreeable.
UNGETATABLEungetatable adj. (Informal, humorous) That cannot be got at; inaccessible.
UNGETATABLE adj. not getatable.
UPGRADEABLEupgradeable adj. Alternative form of upgradable.
UPGRADEABLE adj. that can be upgraded e.g. of computer equipment, also UPGRADABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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