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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, O, S and W

DISAVOWABLEdisavowable adj. Capable of being disavowed.
DISAVOWABLE adj. that can be disavowed.
DRAFTSWOMANdraftswoman n. A woman employed in making drawings.
draftswoman n. A woman exceptionally skilled in drawing. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
DRAFTSWOMAN n. (US) a draughtswoman.
HANDBARROWShandbarrows n. Plural of handbarrow.
HANDBARROW n. a frame or barrow, without a wheel, carried by hand.
MADONNAWISEMadonnawise adv. In the manner of the Virgin Mary.
MADONNAWISE adv. in the manner of a madonna.
MEADOWFOAMSmeadowfoams n. Plural of meadowfoam.
MEADOWLANDSmeadowlands n. Plural of meadowland.
Meadowlands prop.n. A wetlands area near New York City in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States, home to a shopping mall…
MEADOWLAND n. land that is or is used for meadow.
MEADOWLARKSmeadowlarks n. Plural of meadowlark.
MEADOWLARK n. any of several American songbirds of the genus Sturnella.
NARROWBANDSNARROWBAND n. a device operating at a narrow range of frequencies.
SANDALWOODSsandalwoods n. Plural of sandalwood.
SANDALWOOD n. a compact and fine-grained very fragrant East Indian wood; the parasitic tree yielding it.
SAPPANWOODSSAPPANWOOD n. (Malay) the wood of a leguminous tree, formerly used to provide a red dye, also SAPAN, SAPANWOOD, SAPPAN.
SHADOWCASTSshadowcasts n. Plural of shadowcast.
SHADOWCAST v. in microscopy, to cast shadows of projecting parts of a specimen by exposing to a stream of a vapour of a heavy metal.
SHADOWGRAPHshadowgraph n. A shadow-picture; a radiograph or X-ray photograph; a sciagram.
shadowgraph n. (Physics) An optical technique of visualizing patterns of fluid flow by using differences in refractive index.
shadowgraph v. (Transitive) To outline in a shadow-picture on a screen.
SHADOWLANDSshadowlands n. Plural of shadowland.
STRAWBOARDSstrawboards n. Plural of strawboard.
STRAWBOARD n. pasteboard made of pulp of straw.
TRADESWOMANtradeswoman n. A female skilled manual worker.
TRADESWOMAN n. a woman employed in trade.
WAFERBOARDSwaferboards n. Plural of waferboard.
WAGGONLOADSWAGGONLOAD n. the contents of a full wagon, also WAGONLOAD.
WAISTCOATEDwaistcoated adj. Wearing a waistcoat.
WAISTCOATED adj. wearing a waistcoat.
WRAPAROUNDSwraparounds n. Plural of wraparound.
WRAPAROUND n. an article of clothing that wraps round, also WRAPROUND.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 112 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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