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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2A, C, I and 2U

ANIMALCULUManimalculum n. Synonym of animalcule.
ANIMALCULUM n. a microscopic animal.
APICULTURALapicultural adj. (Agriculture) relating to beekeeping.
APICULTURAL adj. relating to apiculture, beekeeping.
ATRACURIUMSATRACURIUM n. a muscle-relaxing drug used in surgery.
AUDACIOUSLYaudaciously adv. In a audacious manner; bravely, daringly, but not foolheartedly.
audaciously adv. In a brazen, forthright manner.
AURICULARLYauricularly adv. In an auricular manner.
AURICULAR adv. pertaining to the ear; spoken secretly.
AURICULATEDauriculated adj. (Biology, rare) Having ears or appendages like ears; eared.
auriculated adj. (Botany, rare) Having lobes or appendages like the ear; shaped like the ear; auriculate.
auriculated adj. (Zoology, rare) Having an angular projection on one or both sides, as in certain bivalve shells, the…
BIAURICULARbiauricular adj. Having or relating to two auricles.
BIAURICULAR adj. having two auricles or earlike parts, also BIAURICULATE.
CANALICULUScanaliculus n. (Anatomy) Any of many small canals or ducts in the body, such as in the bone, or in some plants.
CANALICULUS n. a small bodily channel, like a tear duct.
CAULICULATECAULICULATE adj. having a caulicle.
INCUNABULARincunabular adj. (Historical) Relating to an incunabulum.
incunabular adj. (By extension) Relating to the earliest stages of any form of publishing or media.
INCUNABULAR adj. relating to incunabula.
MULTICAUSALmulticausal adj. Having multiple causes.
MULTICAUSAL adj. relating to more than one cause.
NUDICAUDATENUDICAUDATE adj. with hairless tail.
UNACQUAINTSUNACQUAINT v. to deprive (a person) of awareness or acquaintance.
UTRICULARIAUtricularia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lentibulariaceae – the bladderworts.
UTRICULARIA n. any plant of the bladderwort genus Utricularia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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