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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2C, M and P

ACCOMPANIEDaccompanied v. Simple past tense and past participle of accompany.
accompanied adj. Having accompaniment; being part of a group of at least two.
ACCOMPANY v. to escort.
ACCOMPANIERaccompanier n. Someone or something that accompanies.
ACCOMPANIER n. one who accompanies.
ACCOMPANIESaccompanies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accompany.
ACCOMPANY v. to escort.
ACCOMPANISTaccompanist n. (Music) The performer in music who takes the accompanying part.
ACCOMPANIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANYIST.
ACCOMPTABLEaccomptable adj. (Archaic) Accountable.
ACCOMPTABLE adj. accountable, also ACCOUNTABLE.
ACCOMPTANTSaccomptants n. Plural of accomptant.
ACCOMPTANT n. an accountant, also ACCOUNTANT.
APOMICTICALAPOMICTICAL adj. relating to apomixis, nonsexual reproduction, from an unfertilized ovum, also APOMICTIC.
CAPROLACTAMcaprolactam n. (Organic chemistry) A lactam (cyclic amide) manufactured from cyclohexanone and used in the manufacture of nylon.
CAPROLACTAM n. a white crystalline cyclic amide used esp. in making one type of nylon.
COMPEARANCEcompearance n. (Scotland, law) Appearance before a judge in court.
COMPEARANCE n. the state of being a compearant.
IMPRACTICALimpractical adj. Not practical; impracticable.
IMPRACTICAL adj. not practical.
MACROCARPASmacrocarpas n. Plural of macrocarpa.
MACROCARPA n. an evergreen conifer of New Zealand.
MACROPHAGICmacrophagic adj. Of or pertaining to macrophages.
MACROPHAGIC adj. of or like a macrophage.
MALPRACTICEmalpractice n. The improper treatment of a patient by a physician that results in injury or loss.
malpractice n. Improper or unethical conduct by a professional or official person.
MALPRACTICE n. an evil or improper practice; professional misconduct.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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