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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2C, G and O

ACCOURAGINGaccouraging v. Present participle of accourage.
ACCOURAGE v. (Spenser) to encourage, also ACCORAGE, ENCOURAGE.
ACROMEGALICacromegalic adj. (Pathology) Pertaining to or characteristic of acromegaly.
acromegalic n. (Pathology) A person affected by acromegaly.
ACROMEGALIC adj. relating to acromegaly.
CACOGASTRICcacogastric adj. (Rare) Troubled with bad digestion.
CACOGASTRIC adj. of or relating to an upset stomach.
CACOGRAPHERcacographer n. A person who exhibits the traits of bad spelling or bad handwriting or both.
CACOGRAPHER n. a bad writer or speller.
CACOGRAPHICcacographic adj. Displaying the properties of bad spelling or bad handwriting or both.
CACOGRAPHIC adj. relating to cacography, bad handwriting or spelling, also CACOGRAPHICAL.
CAMOUFLAGICcamouflagic adj. Providing or relating to camouflage.
CAMOUFLAGIC adj. relating to camouflage.
CARACOLLINGcaracolling v. Present participle of caracol.
CARACOL v. (French) to perform a half turn on a horse, also CARACOLE.
CATEGORICALcategorical adj. Absolute; having no exception.
categorical adj. Of, pertaining to, or using a category or categories.
categorical n. (Logic) A categorical proposition.
CHARCOALINGcharcoaling v. Present participle of charcoal.
CHARCOAL v. to draw or blacken with charcoal.
CHASMOGAMICchasmogamic adj. Exhibiting or relating to chasmogamy.
CHASMOGAMIC adj. related to chasmogamy, the opening of a flower in order to be fertilized, also CHASMOGAMOUS.
COARCTATINGcoarctating v. Present participle of coarctate.
COARCTATE v. to press together; to crowd.
ERGATOCRACYergatocracy n. Government by the workers.
ERGATOCRACY n. government by the workers or the working class.
GEOTACTICALGEOTACTICAL adj. relating to geotaxis, the response of an organism to gravity, also GEOTACTIC.
MACROPHAGICmacrophagic adj. Of or pertaining to macrophages.
MACROPHAGIC adj. of or like a macrophage.
QUANGOCRACYquangocracy n. Rule by quangos or similar unelected bodies.
QUANGOCRACY n. government by quango.
ZYGOCARDIACzygocardiac adj. (Anatomy) Yoke-like and cardiac; applied to an ossicle of the stomach of some crustaceans.
ZYGOCARDIAC adj. denoting certain paired lateral ossicles in the gastric mill of Crustacea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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