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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 3A, I, R and Y

ACRONYMANIAacronymania n. The enthusiastic creation and use of acronyms.
ACRONYMANIA n. a craze for acronyms.
ACTUARIALLYactuarially adv. By actuarial principles.
actuarially adv. In a manner performed by an actuary.
actuarially adv. From an actuarial perspective.
ALCYONARIANalcyonarian n. (Zoology) Any of the Alcyonaria, a subclass of the Anthozoa.
ALCYONARIAN n. a member of the Alcyonaria, the order to which sea-pens, red coral and organ-pipe coral belong.
AMATORIALLYamatorially adv. In an amatory manner, romantically.
AMATORIAL adv. of or pertaining to a lover or to love making; as, amatorial verses.
ARCHAICALLYarchaically adv. In an archaic manner.
ARCHAICAL adv. ancient, also ARCHAIC.
ARTISANALLYartisanally adv. In an artisanal manner.
artisanally adv. With regard to, or by artisans.
BRADYCARDIAbradycardia n. (Medicine) The condition of having a slow heartbeat, defined as under 60 beats per minute for an adult.
BRADYCARDIA n. an abnormally slow heart rate.
CARRIAGEWAYcarriageway n. (UK, Ireland) The part of a road that carries traffic.
carriageway n. (UK, Ireland) One side of a dual carriageway that carries traffic in a single direction.
CARRIAGEWAY n. the part of a road used by vehicular traffic.
CARYATIDEANcaryatidean adj. Of or relating to a caryatid.
CARYATIDEAN adj. of or like a caryatid, a draped female figure supporting an entablature, also CARYATIC, CARYATIDAL, CARYATIDIC.
JAMAHIRIYASjamahiriyas n. Plural of jamahiriya.
JAMAHIRIYA n. (Arabic) in Arab socialist states, the people or proletariat state, also JUMHOURIYA.
RAIYATWARISRAIYATWARI n. (Hindi) a system of peasantry in India, also RYOTWARI.
SATYAGRAHISSATYAGRAHI n. (Sanskrit) an exponent of satyagraha, passive resistance, esp. as a form of political protest.
TACHYCARDIAtachycardia n. A rapid resting heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute.
TACHYCARDIA n. quick heart-rate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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