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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 3A, D, L and M

ACADEMICALSacademicals n. (Britain) The articles of dress prescribed and worn at some colleges and universities, typically on…
ACADEMICAL n. a college student or teacher.
AMALGAMATEDamalgamated adj. Combined from two or more entities into one specific entity whilst retaining the defining characteristics…
amalgamated v. Simple past tense and past participle of amalgamate.
AMALGAMATE v. to unite in or as if in an amalgam; esp. to merge into a single body.
CALAMANDERScalamanders n. Plural of calamander.
CALAMANDER n. (Sinhalese) a hard valuable wood of the ebony genus.
DHARMSHALASdharmshalas n. Plural of dharmshala.
DHARMSHALA n. (Hindi) a building having a religious or charitable purpose, a free or cheap lodging for travellers, also DHARMSALA.
DIAPHRAGMALdiaphragmal adj. Of or relating to the diaphragm.
DIAPHRAGMAL adj. relating to the diaphragm.
LAMPADARIESLAMPADARY n. in the Greek Church, someone who looks after the lamps and carries a lighted taper before the patriarch.
LANDAMMANNSLandammanns n. Plural of Landammann.
LANDAMMANN n. (German) a chief magistrate in some of the Swiss cantons, also LANDAMMAN.
MADRIGALIANmadrigalian adj. Of or relating to madrigals.
MADRIGALIAN adj. of or like a madrigal.
MALADAPTIVEmaladaptive adj. (Psychology, chiefly of behaviour) Showing inadequate or counterproductive mental and behavioral adaptation…
maladaptive adj. (Evolution, of anatomy, physiology, or behavior) Showing inadequate or counterproductive evolutionary…
MALADAPTIVE adj. marked by poor or inadequate adaptation.
MAQUILADORAmaquiladora n. An assembly plant in Mexico owned by a company from the United States or another foreign country, using…
MAQUILADORA n. (Spanish) a manufacturing plant in Mexico that produce parts for assembly in the United States, also MAQUILA.
PALUDAMENTAPALUDAMENTUM n. a Roman general's or high military officer's cloak, also PALUDAMENT.
PARAMEDICALparamedical adj. Of or relating to the provision of emergency medical treatment.
paramedical adj. Of or relating to a paramedic.
paramedical n. Alternative form of paramedic.
SALAMANDERSsalamanders n. Plural of salamander.
SALAMANDER n. any of various urodele amphibians, formerly believed to live in fire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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