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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 3A, C, E and H

ABRANCHIATEabranchiate adj. (Zoology) Without gills.
abranchiate n. (Zoology) An organism that does not have gills.
ABRANCHIATE adj. lacking gills, also ABRANCHIAL.
ACHAENOCARPachaenocarp n. Any dry indehiscent fruit.
ACHAENOCARP n. any dry indehiscent fruit.
ACIDANTHERAacidanthera n. Any of the gladioli previously placed in the genus Acidanthera.
ACIDANTHERA n. a plant of the genus Acidanthera of white-flowered plants of NE Africa.
ANABRANCHESanabranches n. Plural of anabranch.
ANABRANCH n. a stream that leaves a river and reenters lower down.
ANACHARISESANACHARIS n. a freshwater weed of the frogbit family, native to America.
APATHETICALapathetical adj. Synonym of apathetic.
APATHETICAL adj. lacking feeling or passion, also APATHETIC.
CATANANCHESCATANANCHE n. any plant of the South European genus Catananche, some of which are grown for their blue and white flowers.
CEPHALAGRASCEPHALAGRA n. gout in the head.
CEPHALALGIAcephalalgia n. (Medicine) A pain in the head; headache.
CEPHALALGIA n. head pain.
IPECACUANHAipecacuanha n. (Medicine, pharmaceutics) The root of Carapichea ipecacuanha, used as an emetic or purgative; a preparation…
ipecacuanha n. (Medicine, pharmaceutics) The flowering plant Carapichea ipecacuanha.
IPECACUANHA n. (Portuguese) the dried root of various South American plants, used as a purgative, expectorant and emetic, also IPECAC.
PARHELIACALparheliacal adj. Of or pertaining to parhelia.
PARHELIACAL adj. of or pertaining to a parhelion, a halolike light seen in sky opposite the sun, also PARHELIC.
PHARMACARESSorry, definition not available.
SACCHARASESsaccharases n. Plural of saccharase.
SACCHARASE n. an enzyme that inverts cane sugar, aka invertase.
SACCHARATEDsaccharated adj. Combined with sucrose.
SACCHARATED adj. converted to a salt of saccharic acid.
SACCHARATESsaccharates n. Plural of saccharate.
SACCHARATE n. a salt of saccharic acid.
TRACHEARIANTRACHEARIAN adj. belonging to the Trachearia, mites and ticks.
TRACHEARIAN n. a member of the Trachearia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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