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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 3A, 2C and E

ACADEMICALSacademicals n. (Britain) The articles of dress prescribed and worn at some colleges and universities, typically on…
ACADEMICAL n. a college student or teacher.
ACADEMICIANacademician n. (Now chiefly US) A member (especially a senior one) of the faculty at a college or university; an academic.
academician n. A member or follower of an academy, or society for promoting science, art, or literature, such as the…
Academician n. The title for someone who is an academician.
ACATALECTICacatalectic adj. (Poetry, prosody) Designating a line of verse having the required number of syllables in the last foot.
acatalectic n. (Poetry, prosody) A verse which has the complete number of feet and syllables.
ACATALECTIC adj. having a complete or full number of syllables.
ACATALEPTICacataleptic adj. Incapable of being comprehended; incomprehensible; inconceivable.
acataleptic n. An adherent of acatalepsy.
ACATALEPTIC n. a person who suspends judgment in the belief that certainty is impossible.
ACHAENOCARPachaenocarp n. Any dry indehiscent fruit.
ACHAENOCARP n. any dry indehiscent fruit.
ALCAICERIASALCAICERIA n. (Spanish) a bazaar.
ATTRACTANCEattractance n. Alternative form of attractancy.
ATTRACTANCE n. the state of being attracted, also ATTRACTANCY.
CALAMANCOEScalamancoes n. Plural of calamanco.
CALAMANCO n. a glossy woollen stuff, plain, striped, or checked.
CALCEAMENTAcalceamenta n. Plural of calceamentum.
CALCEAMENTUM n. (Latin) a red silk embroidered sandal forming part of the insignia of the Holy Roman Empire.
CALCEOLARIAcalceolaria n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Calceolaria.
CALCEOLARIA n. any plant of the South American genus Calceolaria, the plants of which are largely cultivated for the beauty of their slipper-like flowers.
CAPACITANCEcapacitance n. (Physics, uncountable) The property of an electric circuit or its element that permits it to store charge…
capacitance n. (Physics, countable) An element of an electrical circuit exhibiting capacitance.
CAPACITANCE n. in electricity, the ability to store an electric charge; measure of such ability.
CAPACITATEDcapacitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of capacitate.
capacitated adj. (Transitive, mathematics) Constrained by maximum throughput, often applied to physical networks transporting flows.
CAPACITATE v. to make or render capable.
CAPACITATEScapacitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of capacitate.
CAPACITATE v. to make or render capable.
CATAFALCOEScatafalcoes n. Plural of catafalco.
CATAFALCO n. (Italian) a temporary tomb used in funerals and processions, also CATAFALQUE.
CATANANCHESCATANANCHE n. any plant of the South European genus Catananche, some of which are grown for their blue and white flowers.
IPECACUANHAipecacuanha n. (Medicine, pharmaceutics) The root of Carapichea ipecacuanha, used as an emetic or purgative; a preparation…
ipecacuanha n. (Medicine, pharmaceutics) The flowering plant Carapichea ipecacuanha.
IPECACUANHA n. (Portuguese) the dried root of various South American plants, used as a purgative, expectorant and emetic, also IPECAC.
SACCHARASESsaccharases n. Plural of saccharase.
SACCHARASE n. an enzyme that inverts cane sugar, aka invertase.
SACCHARATEDsaccharated adj. Combined with sucrose.
SACCHARATED adj. converted to a salt of saccharic acid.
SACCHARATESsaccharates n. Plural of saccharate.
SACCHARATE n. a salt of saccharic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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