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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 3A, B, C and N

ABACTINALLYabactinally adv. (As seen or measured) from the end opposite the mouth in a radiate animal (to the other end).
ABACTINAL adv. remote from the actinal area (of a radiate animal).
ABECEDARIANabecedarian n. Someone who is learning the alphabet.
abecedarian n. An elementary student, a novice; one in the early steps of learning.
abecedarian n. (Archaic) Someone engaged in teaching the alphabet; an elementary teacher; one that teaches the methods…
ABLACTATIONablactation n. The weaning of a child from the breast, or of young animals from their dam.
ablactation n. (Obsolete, horticulture) Inarching.
ABLACTATION n. the weaning of a child from its mother's milk.
ABRANCHIATEabranchiate adj. (Zoology) Without gills.
abranchiate n. (Zoology) An organism that does not have gills.
ABRANCHIATE adj. lacking gills, also ABRANCHIAL.
ANABRANCHESanabranches n. Plural of anabranch.
ANABRANCH n. a stream that leaves a river and reenters lower down.
BACCHANALIAbacchanalia n. Any wild, orgiastic party or celebration.
Bacchanalia n. (Greek mythology) A feast or an orgy in honor of Bacchus.
Bacchanalia n. (By extension) A drunken feast; drunken revels; an orgy.
BALANCEABLEbalanceable adj. Capable of being balanced.
BALANCEABLE adj. that can be balanced.
BASICRANIALbasicranial adj. Of or pertaining to the basicranium.
BASICRANIAL adj. of or relating to the base of the skull.
BATRACHIANSbatrachians n. Plural of batrachian.
BATRACHIAN n. a frog or toad.
CANDELABRAScandelabras n. Plural of candelabra.
CANDELABRA n. a candleholder.
CANVASBACKScanvasbacks n. Plural of canvasback.
CANVASBACK n. a species of duck, so named from the markings of the plumage on its back.
MACERANDUBAmaceranduba n. Archaic form of massaranduba.
MACERANDUBA n. (Tupi) the Brazilian milk-tree, also MASSARANDUBA, MASSERANDUBA.
SCARABAEANSSCARABAEAN n. a lamellicorn beetle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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