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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, 3R, S and U

BARRATROUSbarratrous adj. (Law) Tainted with, or constituting, barratry.
BARRATROUS adj. tainted with, or constituting, barratry, also BARRETROUS.
BARRETROUSBARRETROUS adj. tainted with, or constituting, barratry, also BARRATROUS.
CARREFOURSCARREFOUR n. (French) a crossroads, a plaza.
FRACTURERSFRACTURER n. one who fractures.
FRUSTRATERfrustrater n. One who or which frustrates.
FRUSTRATER n. one who frustrates.
FURBEARERSfurbearers n. Plural of furbearer.
FURBEARER n. an animal with fur.
HARBOURERSharbourers n. Plural of harbourer.
HARBOURER n. one who or that which harbours, also HARBORER.
IRREGULARSirregulars n. Plural of irregular.
IRREGULAR n. a soldier not formally attached to a military body.
QUARRELERSquarrelers n. Plural of quarreler.
QUARRELER n. one who quarrels, also QUARRELLER.
QUARTERERSquarterers n. Plural of quarterer.
QUARTERER n. one who quarters.
REARGUARDSrearguards n. Plural of rearguard.
REARGUARD n. the rear of an army; a body of troops protecting it.
REASSURERSreassurers n. Plural of reassurer.
REASSURER n. one who reassures.
RESURFACERresurfacer n. A tool or machine used to resurface.
resurfacer n. A person who resurfaces something.
RESURFACER n. one who resurfaces.
SERRATURESserratures n. Plural of serrature.
SERRATURE n. a notching, like that between the teeth of a saw.
SUBCARRIERsubcarrier n. (Telecommunications) A separate signal carried on a main radio transmission, often carrying additional…
SUBCARRIER n. a modulated frequency used to modulate, with others, a main carrier wave.
SUGARBERRYsugarberry n. Hackberry.
SUGARBERRY n. any of several hackberries with sweet edible fruits.
SURCHARGERsurcharger n. One who surcharges.
SURCHARGER n. one who surcharges.
TERRARIUMSterrariums n. Plural of terrarium.
TERRARIUM n. (Latin) a glass enclosure for plants.
TREASURERStreasurers n. Plural of treasurer.
TREASURER n. a person who is in charge of a treasure or treasury.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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