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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, O, P, S, T and X

AUXOTROPHSauxotrophs n. Plural of auxotroph.
AUXOTROPH n. an auxotrophic strain or individual, i.e. one requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism.
EXOPLANETSexoplanets n. Plural of exoplanet.
exo-planets n. Plural of exo-planet.
EXOPLANET n. a planet that orbits a star in another solar system.
EXOTROPIASexotropias n. Plural of exotropia.
EXOTROPIA n. a condition in which the eyes turn outwards.
EXPIATIONSexpiations n. Plural of expiation.
EXPIATION n. the act of expiating.
EXTRAPOSEDextraposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of extrapose.
EXTRAPOSE v. to move an item normally positioned within a phrase or sentence to the end, to focus attention on it.
EXTRAPOSESextraposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extrapose.
EXTRAPOSE v. to move an item normally positioned within a phrase or sentence to the end, to focus attention on it.
EXTROPIANSextropians n. Plural of extropian.
Extropians n. Plural of Extropian.
EXTROPIAN n. a believer in extropy, the principle that human intelligence will enable life to expand throughout the universe.
JUXTAPOSEDjuxtaposed adj. Placed side by side often for comparison or contrast.
juxtaposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of juxtapose.
JUXTAPOSE v. to place side by side.
JUXTAPOSESjuxtaposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of juxtapose.
JUXTAPOSE v. to place side by side.
PAINTBOXESpaintboxes n. Plural of paintbox.
PAINTBOX n. a box containing paints.
PARADOXISTparadoxist n. (Dated, derogatory) One who holds incorrect or eccentric beliefs; a bad scientist; a crank.
paradoxist n. A participant in the art movement of paradoxism.
PARADOXIST n. one who proposes a paradox.
PHOTOTAXESphototaxes n. Plural of phototaxis.
PHOTOTAXIS n. growth or movement determined by light.
PHOTOTAXISphototaxis n. (Biology) The movement of an organism either towards or away from a source of light.
PHOTOTAXIS n. growth or movement determined by light.
TOXAPHENEStoxaphenes n. Plural of toxaphene.
TOXAPHENE n. chlorinated camphene used as an insecticide.
TOXOPLASMAtoxoplasma n. Any member of the genus Toxoplasma of parasitic sporozoans.
Toxoplasma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sarcocystidae – parasitic chromists that cause disease in mammals…
TOXOPLASMA n. a genus of microorganisms causing infections in domestic cats and humans.
TROPOTAXEStropotaxes n. Plural of tropotaxis.
TROPOTAXIS n. a taxis in which an organism orients itself by the simultaneous comparison of stimuli of different intensity operating on different end organs.
TROPOTAXIStropotaxis n. (Biology) Movement by organisms with paired receptor cells, triggered when the stimuli at the receptors…
TROPOTAXIS n. a taxis in which an organism orients itself by the simultaneous comparison of stimuli of different intensity operating on different end organs.
XANTHOPSIAxanthopsia n. A visual defect, a form of chromatopsia in which everything appears yellow.
XANTHOPSIA n. a visual condition where things appear yellow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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