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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, N, P, T, U and Y

AUTOPSYINGautopsying v. Present participle of autopsy.
AUTOPSY v. to carry out a postmortem examination of a corpse.
AUTOTYPINGautotyping v. Present participle of autotype.
AUTOTYPE v. to reproduce by a photographic process.
BANKRUPTCYbankruptcy n. (Finance, law) A legally declared or recognized condition of insolvency of a person or organization.
BANKRUPTCY n. the state of being bankrupt.
HYPANTHIUMhypanthium n. (Botany) The bowl-shaped part of a flower on which the sepals, petals, and stamens are borne.
HYPANTHIUM n. a fruit consisting in large part of a receptacle, enlarged below the calyx, as in the rose hip and the pear.
NEUROPATHYneuropathy n. (Medicine) Any disease of the peripheral nervous system; peripheral neuropathy.
neuropathy n. (Medicine) Any disease of the nerves and nervous system, usually and more specifically the peripheral…
NEUROPATHY n. an affection of the nervous system or of a nerve.
NUPTIALITYnuptiality n. The state of being married.
NUPTIALITY n. nuptial character or quality.
OUTPLAYINGoutplaying v. Present participle of outplay.
OUTPLAY v. to excel or defeat in a game.
OUTPRAYINGoutpraying v. Present participle of outpray.
OUTPRAY v. to surpass in praying.
PETULANTLYpetulantly adv. In a petulant manner.
PETULANT adv. peevish.
POLYANTHUSpolyanthus n. A type of primula, apparently originally from a hybrid between the cowslip and the primrose, having…
POLYANTHUS n. the oxlip, so called because the peduncle bears a many-flowered umbel.
POSTULANCYpostulancy n. The role or status of a postulant.
POSTULANCY n. the state or period of being a postulant.
POULTRYMANpoultryman n. A male poulterer.
POULTRYMAN n. one who keeps poultry.
PUISSANTLYpuissantly adv. In a puissant manner; powerfully; with great strength.
PUISSANT adv. (archaic) powerful, also PUISSAUNT.
PUNCTUALLYpunctually adv. In a punctual manner; on time.
punctually adv. (Archaic) Precisely; exactly; minutely.
PUNCTUAL adv. being on time.
PURSUANTLYpursuantly adv. In a way that is pursuant; agreeably; conformably.
PURSUANT adv. acting in consequence or in prosecution (of anything).
TAUTOPHONYtautophony n. Repetition of the same sound.
TAUTOPHONY n. repetition of the same sound.
UNSYMPATHYunsympathy n. Lack of sympathy.
UNSYMPATHY n. absence of sympathy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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