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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 5 ten-letter words containing A, N, O, 2T and Z

CANZONETTAcanzonetta n. A style of popular Italian secular vocal composition which originated around 1560, or a piece composed in this style.
CANZONETTA n. (Italian) a short canzone, also CANZONET.
CANZONETTEcanzonette n. Alternative form of canzonet.
CANZONETTA n. (Italian) a short canzone, also CANZONET.
PANZEROTTIpanzerotti n. Alternative form of panzerotto.
panzerotti n. Plural of panzerotto.
PANZEROTTO n. (Canadian) a baked turnover with a folded, sealed pocket containing tomato, cheese, and sometimes other fillings.
PANZEROTTOpanzerotto n. A type of large ravioli made from pizza dough, filled with various ingredients such as ricotta (or mozzarella)…
PANZEROTTO n. (Canadian) a baked turnover with a folded, sealed pocket containing tomato, cheese, and sometimes other fillings.
TOTALIZINGtotalizing v. Present participle of totalize.
TOTALIZE v. to make complete, also TOTALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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