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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, M, P, 2T and U

AMPUTATINGamputating v. Present participle of amputate.
AMPUTATE v. to cut off.
AMPUTATIONamputation n. Surgical removal of all or part of a limb, etc.
amputation n. The loss of a limb, etc. through trauma.
AMPUTATION n. the act of amputating.
AMPUTATORSamputators n. Plural of amputator.
AMPUTATOR n. one who amputates.
COMPUTANTScomputants n. Plural of computant.
COMPUTANT n. a person who calculates.
COMPUTATORcomputator n. (Archaic) A person who performs computations.
computator n. (Archaic) A mechanical device that performs computation.
computator n. (Humorous) Synonym of computer (“electronic device”) (Can we add an example for this sense?).
IMPUTATIONimputation n. The act of imputing or charging; attribution; ascription.
imputation n. That which has been imputed or charged.
imputation n. Charge or attribution of evil; censure; reproach; insinuation.
IMPUTATIVEimputative adj. Of, related, or pertaining to imputation.
IMPUTATIVE adj. transferred by imputation; that may be imputed.
MOUTHPARTSmouthparts n. Plural of mouthpart.
mouth-parts n. Plural of mouth-part.
MOUTHPART n. part of a mouth.
MULTIPARTYmultiparty adj. (Politics) Involving several different political parties.
multiparty adj. Having multiple parties (involved persons).
multi-party adj. Alternative form of multiparty.
MULTIPLANTmultiplant adj. Of or pertaining to more than one plant (factory or industrial building).
MULTIPLANT adj. consisting of many plants.
PENTATHLUMpentathlum n. Pentathlon.
PENTATHLUM n. a pentathlon.
PERMUTATEDpermutated v. Simple past tense and past participle of permutate.
PERMUTATE v. to alter the order, sequence, or arrangement of, also PERMUTE.
PERMUTATESpermutates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of permutate.
PERMUTATE v. to alter the order, sequence, or arrangement of, also PERMUTE.
PETROLATUMpetrolatum n. Petroleum jelly.
PETROLATUM n. petroleum jelly.
PORTMANTUAportmantua n. Obsolete form of portmanteau (“case”).
PORTMANTUA n. (obsolete) a portmanteau, also PORTMANTEAU, PORTMANTLE.
POSTPARTUMpostpartum adj. Of a mother: after giving birth (often defined as within 30 days after childbirth).
postpartum adv. After giving birth.
postpartum n. The period immediately following childbirth.
POSTULATUMpostulatum n. A postulate.
POSTULATUM n. (Latin) a postulate.
TRANSUMPTStransumpts n. Plural of transumpt.
TRANSUMPT n. a copy, a transcript; esp. of a legal document.
TRIUMPHANTtriumphant adj. Celebrating victory.
TRIUMPHANT adj. victorious, conquering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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