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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, L, R and 3T

ALTOSTRATIaltostrati n. Plural of altostratus.
ALTOSTRATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
ANTILITTERantilitter adj. Opposing or proscribing littering.
ANTILITTER adj. designed to prevent litter.
GLITTERATIglitterati n. Celebrities or people with a lot of money; the smart set.
GLITTERATI n. the society lions of the day.
LATTERMATHlattermath n. (Literally) The latter (i.e. second) mowing, a second crop of grass grown after the first was harvested.
lattermath n. (Figuratively) The later result or consequences; further developments.
LATTERMATH n. the latter, or second, mowing.
LATTERMOSTlattermost adj. Last.
LATTERMOST adj. last.
LITTERMATElittermate n. An animal born in the same litter.
LITTERMATE n. one who shares the same litter.
RATTLETRAPrattletrap adj. Mechanically unreliable or in disrepair.
rattletrap n. (Informal) A mechanical device, particularly an automobile, that is worn out, run down, or mechanically…
rattletrap n. (Dated) Any piece of miscellaneous equipment or junk.
STARTLIESTSTARTLY adj. of a horse, apt to start, also STARTFUL, STARTISH, STARTLISH.
STATOLATRYstatolatry n. The worship of the state.
STATOLATRY n. the act or practice of idolizing the state.
TATTERSALLtattersall n. A fabric pattern containing squares of dark lines on a light background.
Tattersall prop.n. A surname from Old English.
TATTERSALL n. a pattern of squares formed by dark lines on a light background; a cloth with this pattern.
TEETOTALERteetotaler n. (American spelling) A person who completely abstains from alcoholic beverages.
TEETOTALER n. one who does not drink alcohol, also TEETOTALIST, TEETOTALLER.
TETRAETHYLtetraethyl n. (Chemistry) Four ethyl groups in a molecule.
TETRAETHYL n. a compound with four ethyl groups.
TETRASTYLEtetrastyle n. (Architecture) A building (especially a portico) that has four columns.
TETRASTYLE n. a building with four columns.
TETRATHLONtetrathlon n. (Sports) A contest with four successive events, usually showjumping, swimming, running and pistol shooting.
TETRATHLON n. a four-event sporting contest.
TITILLATORtitillator n. A person who titillates.
TITILLATOR n. one who titillates.
TITRATABLEtitratable adj. (Analytical chemistry) Able to be titrated.
TITRATABLE adj. that can be titrated.
TITULARITYtitularity n. The quality of being titular.
TITULARITY n. the state of being titular.
TRACTILITYtractility n. The quality of being tractile (capable of being drawn or stretched out at length).
TRACTILITY n. the state of being tractile.
TRIATHLETEtriathlete n. (Athletics) An athlete who competes in the triathlon.
TRIATHLETE n. an athlete who competes in a triathlon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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