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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, L, N, P and 2U

PALUDINOUSpaludinous adj. Paludinal.
paludinous adj. Like or relating to the genus Paludina.
paludinous adj. Of or relating to a marsh or fen.
PANNICULUSpanniculus n. (Anatomy) A dense layer of fatty tissue growth, consisting of subcutaneous fat in the lower abdominal area.
panniculus n. A thin, sheet-like investment.
PANNICULUS n. a thin, sheetlike garment, also PANNICLE, PANNIKEL.
PEDUNCULARpeduncular adj. Of or pertaining to a peduncle.
PEDUNCULAR adj. of or pertaining to a peduncle.
PUNCTUALLYpunctually adv. In a punctual manner; on time.
punctually adv. (Archaic) Precisely; exactly; minutely.
PUNCTUAL adv. being on time.
PUNCTULATEpunctulate adj. Marked with small punctures or spots.
punctulate v. (Transitive) To mark with small punctures or spots.
PUNCTULATE v. to mark with small dots.
PURSUANTLYpursuantly adv. In a way that is pursuant; agreeably; conformably.
PURSUANT adv. acting in consequence or in prosecution (of anything).
PUSTULANTSpustulants n. Plural of pustulant.
PUSTULANT n. an agent that causes pustules.
SUPERLUNARsuperlunar adj. Above or beyond the Moon (from a vantage point on Earth).
SUPERLUNAR adj. otherworldly; above the moon, also SUPERLUNARY.
SUPRALUNARsupralunar adj. Beyond the Moon; hence, very lofty.
SUPRALUNAR adj. beyond the moon; very lofty.
UNPEACEFULunpeaceful adj. Not peaceful, the opposite of peaceful.
UNPEACEFUL adj. not peaceful.
UNPLAUSIVEunplausive adj. (Obsolete) disapproving.
UNPLAUSIVE adj. not approving; disapproving.
UNPUNCTUALunpunctual adj. Not punctual.
UNPUNCTUAL adj. not punctual.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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