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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, 3L, N and U

ALLURINGLYalluringly adv. In an alluring manner.
ALLURING adv. ALLURE, to attract with something desirable.
ANNULLABLEannullable adj. Capable of being annulled.
ANNULLABLE adj. that can be annulled.
GALLINULESgallinules n. Plural of gallinule.
GALLINULE n. any of various aquatic birds of the rail family.
ILLUSIONALillusional adj. Illusory; being or pertaining to an illusion.
ILLUSIONAL adj. of or like an illusion.
LAURELLINGlaurelling v. (UK) present participle of laurel.
laurelling n. Alternative form of laureling.
LAUREL v. to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves, also LAUREATE.
LULLABYINGlullabying v. Present participle of lullaby.
LULLABY v. to lull to sleep with a soothing song.
UNFALLIBLEunfallible adj. Obsolete form of infallible.
UNFALLIBLE adj. (Shakespeare) infallible.
UNFILIALLYunfilially adv. In an unfilial manner.
UNFILIAL adv. not filial.
UNFILLABLEunfillable adj. Not fillable; not able to be filled.
unfillable adj. Able to be unfilled.
UNFILLABLE adj. not fillable.
UNKILLABLEunkillable adj. Not killable; unable to be killed.
UNLABELLEDunlabelled adj. (British spelling) Not labelled; having no label.
UNLABELLED adj. not labelled, also UNLABELED.
UNLAWFULLYunlawfully adv. In a manner not conforming to the law.
UNLAWFUL adv. not lawful.
UNPARALLELunparallel adj. Not parallel.
UNPARALLEL adj. not parallel.
UNSELLABLEunsellable adj. Not sellable; very hard to sell.
UNSELLABLE adj. not sellable.
UNTELLABLEuntellable adj. That cannot be told; indefinable, indescribable or ineffable.
UNTELLABLE adj. not tellable.
UNTILLABLEuntillable adj. Not tillable.
UNTILLABLE adj. that cannot be tilled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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