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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, I, 2L, Q and U

COLLIQUANTcolliquant adj. (Formal) melting; liquefying.
COLLIQUANT adj. (obsolete) melting, wasting, also COLLIQUABLE.
COLLIQUATEcolliquate v. (Rare) To melt or liquefy.
COLLIQUATE v. (obsolete) to melt, fuse.
COLLOQUIALcolloquial adj. (Linguistics) Characteristic of familiar conversation, of common parlance; informal.
colloquial adj. Of or pertaining to a conversation; conversational or chatty.
colloquial n. A colloquial word or phrase, colloquialism.
ILLAQUEATEillaqueate v. To ensnare or entrap; to entangle; to catch.
ILLAQUEATE v. to ensnare.
MAQUILLAGEmaquillage n. Makeup, cosmetics, or its application, especially in theatrical or excessive use.
MAQUILLAGE n. (French) makeup.
PASQUILLEDPASQUIL v. to satirise with a pasquil.
QUADRILLEDquadrilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of quadrille.
QUADRILLE v. to dance the quadrille.
QUADRILLERquadriller n. One who dances the quadrille.
QUADRILLER n. one who dances the quadrille.
QUADRILLESquadrilles n. Plural of quadrille.
QUADRILLE n. (French) a square dance for four couples.
QUALMISHLYqualmishly adv. In a qualmish manner.
QUALMISH adv. sick at the stomach; affected with nausea.
QUESADILLAquesadilla n. A Mexican dish made by filling a tortilla with cheese and sometimes other ingredients and then cooking…
QUESADILLA n. (Spanish) a tortilla filled with cheese, chillis etc. folded and fried.
QUILLBACKSquillbacks n. Plural of quillback.
QUILLBACK n. an American freshwater fish.
RAINSQUALLrainsquall n. A rainstorm.
RAINSQUALL n. a squall of rain.
SQUALLIESTsqualliest adj. Superlative form of squally: most squally.
SQUALLY adj. full of squalls.
SQUALLINGSsquallings n. Plural of squalling.
SQUALLING n. the act of making a squall.
TRANQUILLYtranquilly adv. In a tranquil manner.
TRANQUIL adv. calm, peaceful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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