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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, 2I, M, U and V

CHAUVINISMchauvinism n. (Derogatory) Excessive patriotism, eagerness for national superiority; jingoism.
chauvinism n. (Derogatory) Unwarranted bias, favoritism, or devotion to one’s own particular group, cause, or idea.
CHAUVINISM n. excessive or blind patriotism.
IMPUTATIVEimputative adj. Of, related, or pertaining to imputation.
IMPUTATIVE adj. transferred by imputation; that may be imputed.
MISVALUINGmisvaluing v. Present participle of misvalue.
MISVALUE v. to value incorrectly.
MUTILATIVEmutilative adj. Causing or relating to mutilation.
MUTILATIVE adj. causing mutilation.
QUADRIVIUMquadrivium n. (Education, historical) The higher division of the seven liberal arts in the Middle Ages, composed of…
QUADRIVIUM n. (Latin) a higher division of seven liberal arts studied in the Middle Ages, comprising arithmetic, music, astronomy, geometry.
RUMINATIVEruminative adj. Causing rumination or prone to it; thoughtful.
RUMINATIVE adj. tending to ruminate.
SIMULATIVEsimulative adj. That simulates.
simulative n. (Grammar) A grammatical case expressing similarity.
SIMULATIVE adj. relating to simulation.
TRIUMVIRALtriumviral adj. Of or belonging to the triumviri or the triumvirate.
TRIUMVIRAL adj. of a like a triumvir.
VACCINIUMSvacciniums n. Plural of vaccinium.
VACCINIUM n. (Latin) a genus of ericaceous shrubs including the various kinds of blueberries and the true cranberries.
VAGINISMUSvaginismus n. (Pathology) A painful muscular contraction of the vagina when attempting to insert something, such as…
VAGINISMUS n. a painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.
VIRTUALISMvirtualism n. Virtuality.
virtualism n. (Christianity) The view, believed to have been held by Calvin and other church reformers contrary to…
VIRTUALISM n. the doctrine of Christ's virtual presence in the Eucharist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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