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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, 2I, M, S and Z

ALUMINIZESaluminizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aluminize.
ALUMINIZE v. to treat metal so as to form an aluminum coating on its surface, also ALUMINISE.
ANIMALIZESanimalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of animalize.
ANIMALIZE v. to endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form, also ANIMALISE.
CLIMATIZESclimatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of climatize.
CLIMATIZE v. to acclimatize, also CLIMATISE.
DEAMINIZESDEAMINIZE v. to remove the amino acid from a compound, also DEAMINISE.
DIAZONIUMSdiazoniums n. Plural of diazonium.
DIAZONIUM n. a group of diazo compounds used in the manufacture of certain dyes.
DILTIAZEMSDILTIAZEM n. a drug used to treat angina.
IMIDAZOLESimidazoles n. Plural of imidazole.
IMIDAZOLE n. a white crystalline compound, also IMINAZOLE.
IMINAZOLESiminazoles n. Plural of iminazole.
IMINAZOLE n. a white crystalline compound, also IMIDAZOLE.
MAGAZINISTmagazinist n. One who writes in a magazine.
MAGAZINIST n. one who edits or writes for a magazine.
MAXIMIZERSmaximizers n. Plural of maximizer.
MAXIMIZER n. one who maximizes, also MAXIMISER.
MEDIATIZESmediatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mediatize.
MEDIATIZE v. to cause to act through an agent or to hold a subordinate position, also MEDIATISE.
MIRANDIZESMirandizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Mirandize.
MIRANDIZE v. in USA, to inform an accused person of their rights, also MIRANDISE.
MUSICALIZEmusicalize v. Alternative spelling of musicalise.
MUSICALIZE v. to make musical, also MUSICALISE.
STIGMATIZEstigmatize v. (Transitive) To characterize as disgraceful or ignominious; to mark with a stigma or stigmata.
STIGMATIZE v. to mark with a stigma, or brand; as, the ancients stigmatized their slaves and soldiers, also STIGMATISE.
VAMPIRIZESvampirizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vampirize.
VAMPIRIZE v. to play the vampire, also VAMPIRISE.
ZAMINDARISzamindaris n. Plural of zamindari.
ZAMINDARI n. (Hindi) the jurisdiction of a zamindar, also ZAMINDARY, ZEMINDARI, ZEMINDARY.
ZANAMIVIRSZANAMIVIR n. a drug used in the treatment of influenza.
ZEMINDARISzemindaris n. Plural of zemindari.
ZEMINDARI n. (Hindi) the jurisdiction of a zemindar, also ZAMINDARI, ZAMINDARY, ZEMINDARY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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