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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, 3I, L and Y

AMIABILITYamiability n. Friendliness, especially easy approachability owing to a cheerful and pleasant disposition.
AMIABILITY n. the state of being amiable.
AQUILINITYaquilinity n. The quality of being aquiline (resembling an eagle).
AQUILINITY n. the state of being aquiline.
AUDIBILITYaudibility n. The quality of being heard or understood; the degree to which a thing is audible.
AUDIBILITY n. the state of being audible.
DISABILITYdisability n. State of being disabled; deprivation or want of ability; absence of competent physical, intellectual…
disability n. A mental condition causing a difficulty with an intellectual task.
disability n. (Disability theory) An inability imposed on a person by society’s failure to accommodate their physical…
FINICALITYfinicality n. The quality of being finical.
FINICALITY n. the quality of being finical.
FRIABILITYfriability n. The quality of being friable, or easily broken, crumbled, or reduced to powder; friableness.
FRIABILITY n. the state of being friable.
INIMICALLYinimically adv. In an inimical manner.
INIMICAL adv. hostile.
INIMITABLYinimitably adv. In an inimitable manner.
INIMITABLE adv. that cannot be imitated.
INVALIDITYinvalidity n. The state of being invalid; lack of validity.
INVALIDITY n. lack of validity or cogency.
LIKABILITYlikability n. Alternative spelling of likeability.
LIKABILITY n. the quality of being likable, also LIKEABILITY.
LIMINALITYliminality n. (Anthropology, philosophy, sociology, psychology) The state or quality of ambiguity which exists in…
LIVABILITYlivability n. The property of being livable.
LIVABILITY n. the quality of being livable, also LIVEABILITY.
MILITARILYmilitarily adv. In a military or martial manner; not peaceably.
militarily adv. By way of military or otherwise belligerent means.
MILITARY adv. relating to armed forces.
MIXABILITYmixability n. The quality of being mixable.
MIXABILITY n. the capacity to be mixed.
PLIABILITYpliability n. The quality or state of being pliable; flexibility; pliableness.
PLIABILITY n. the state of being pliable.
RIDABILITYRIDABILITY n. the state of being ridable.
SIMILARITYsimilarity n. Closeness of appearance to something else.
similarity n. (Philosophy) The relation of sharing properties.
similarity n. (Mathematics) A transformation that preserves angles and the ratios of distances.
TRIVIALITYtriviality n. The quality of being trivial or unimportant.
triviality n. Something which is trivial or unimportant.
TRIVIALITY n. the state of being trivia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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