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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, H, 2O, P and U

AUTOPHOBIAautophobia n. The morbid fear of being alone or of oneself.
autophobia n. Self-hatred.
autophobia n. Fear or dislike of automobiles.
AUTOTROPHSautotrophs n. Plural of autotroph.
AUTOTROPH n. an organism that is able to manufacture its own food from inorganic substances.
AUTOTROPHYautotrophy n. (Biology) The synthesis of food from inorganic substances, using heat or light as a source of energy.
AUTOTROPHY n. the state of being an autotroph, an organism that is able to manufacture its own food from inorganic substances.
AUXOTROPHSauxotrophs n. Plural of auxotroph.
AUXOTROPH n. an auxotrophic strain or individual, i.e. one requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism.
AUXOTROPHYauxotrophy n. (Biology) The inability of a microorganism to synthesize an organic compound required for its growth…
AUXOTROPHY n. the state of being auxotrophic, requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism.
EUROPHOBIAEurophobia n. A dislike of Europe or its culture or inhabitants.
Europhobia n. Euroscepticism.
EUROPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of Europe and things European.
EXOPHAGOUSexophagous adj. Exhibiting or relating to exophagy.
EXOPHAGOUS adj. relating to exophagy, cannibalism outside one's own group.
GEOPHAGOUSgeophagous adj. Eating earth.
GEOPHAGOUS adj. earth-eating.
OESOPHAGUSoesophagus n. (Anatomy) The tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach.
œsophagus n. (Chiefly British spelling) Obsolete form of oesophagus.
OESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also ESOPHAGUS.
OMOPHAGOUSomophagous adj. Eating raw flesh; using uncooked meat as food.
OMOPHAGOUS adj. eating raw flesh.
PHOTOMURALphotomural n. A large photograph (or series of photographs) used as a wall decoration.
PHOTOMURAL n. an enlarged photograph, usually several yards long.
PROTOHUMANprotohuman adj. Pertaining to the first humans or the beginning of humankind.
protohuman n. One of the earliest humans preceding Homo sapiens.
proto-human adj. Alternative form of protohuman.
SOUSAPHONEsousaphone n. A valved brass instrument with the same length as a tuba, but shaped differently so that the bell is…
SOUSAPHONE n. a musical instrument similar to a tuba.
TAUTOPHONYtautophony n. Repetition of the same sound.
TAUTOPHONY n. repetition of the same sound.
TOPHACEOUStophaceous adj. Gritty; sandy; rough; stony.
tophaceous adj. Relating to tophus.
TOPHACEOUS adj. gritty.
ZOOPHAGOUSzoophagous adj. Carnivorous.
zoöphagous adj. Alternative spelling of zoophagous.
ZOOPHAGOUS adj. feeding on animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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