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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, H, M, O and 2P

AMPHIPLOIDamphiploid adj. (Genetics) Having at least one diploid set of chromosomes from each parent species.
amphiploid n. (Genetics) Any organism having at least one diploid set of chromosomes from each parent species.
AMPHIPLOID n. having at least one set of diploid chromosomes derived from each parent species.
APOMORPHIAapomorphia n. (Pharmacology) apomorphine.
APOMORPHIA n. an alkaloid prepared by dehydrating morphine, also APOMORPHINE.
APOPHTHEGMapophthegm n. (UK) Alternative spelling of apothegm.
APOPHTHEGM n. (Greek) a short, pithy and instructive saying or formulation, also APOTHEGM.
EPIPHONEMAepiphonema n. (Rhetoric) An exclamation or reflection used to summarise or round off an argument or discourse.
EPIPHONEMA n. an exclamation, finishing phrase or reflection.
HIPPOCAMPIhippocampi n. Plural of hippocampus.
HIPPOCAMPUS n. one of two ridges along each lateral ventricle of the brain.
HIPPODAMEShippodames n. Plural of hippodame.
HIPPODAME n. (Spenser) a fabulous sea monster.
HIPPOMANEShippomanes n. (Obsolete) An ancient love philter obtained from a mare or foal.
HIPPOMANES n. an ancient philtre obtained from a mare or foal.
OOMPAHPAHSOOMPAHPAH n. an imitation of the sound of a tuba.
PANSOPHISMpansophism n. Pansophy.
pansophism n. (Historical) The 17th-century movement of the pansophists, who wished to organize all human knowledge.
PANSOPHISM n. the claim to know everything.
PARAMORPHSparamorphs n. Plural of paramorph.
PARAMORPH n. a pseudomorph formed by a change in molecular structure without change of chemical composition.
PSAMMOPHILPSAMMOPHIL n. a sand-loving plant, also PSAMMOPHILE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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