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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, H, M, N, R and Y

AERENCHYMAaerenchyma n. (Botany) A spongy, airy tissue found especially in the roots of aquatic plants.
AERENCHYMA n. respiratory tissue.
ATHERMANCYathermancy n. Inability to transmit radiant heat; impermeability to heat.
ATHERMANCY n. imperviousness to radiant heat.
CHARMINGLYcharmingly adv. In a charming manner.
CHARMING adv. having charm.
CHIROMANCYchiromancy n. Synonym of palmistry: fortune-telling performed by reading another’s hand.
CHIROMANCY n. divination by means of palmistry, also CHEIROMANCY.
DISHARMONYdisharmony n. The absence of harmony or concordance.
DISHARMONY n. lack of harmony.
GRAMOPHONYgramophony n. The business or study of gramophones.
GRAMOPHONY n. (obsolete) the use of the gramophone.
HIEROMANCYhieromancy n. Divination by interpreting sacred objects, often used in sacrificial offerings. Similar to aruspicy.
HIEROMANCY n. divination by studying objects offered in sacrifice.
HORMONALLYhormonally adv. In a hormonal way.
HORMONAL adv. relating to hormones, also HORMONIC.
HYDROMANCYhydromancy n. Divination by water or other liquid.
HYDROMANCY n. divination by the appearance or motion of liquids (as water).
HYDROMANIAhydromania n. A morbid craving for water.
hydromania n. A morbid propensity to suicide by drowning.
hydromania n. An intense attraction to water. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
HYPERMANIAhypermania n. An extreme form of mania.
HYPERMANIA n. an extreme form of mania.
HYPERMANIChypermanic adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, hypermania.
HYPERMANIC adj. suffering from hypermania, an extreme form of mania.
MERCHANTRYmerchantry n. (Dated) The body of merchants taken collectively.
merchantry n. (Dated) The business of a merchant; merchandise.
MERCHANTRY n. the body of merchants taken collectively.
MONOGRAPHYmonography n. A monograph.
monography n. Representation by lines without colour; an outline drawing.
MONOGRAPHY n. a monograph.
NAMEWORTHYnameworthy adj. Worthy of being named or having a name; nameable; worthy of mention.
NAMEWORTHY adj. worth naming, distinguished.
NOMOGRAPHYnomography n. A treatise on laws.
NOMOGRAPHY n. a treatise on laws; an exposition of the form proper for laws.
PARANYMPHSparanymphs n. Plural of paranymph.
PARANYMPH n. (historical) a best man or bridesmaid.
PARCHMENTYparchmenty adj. Resembling or characteristic of parchment.
PARCHMENTY adj. like parchment.
PARENCHYMAparenchyma n. (Anatomy) The functional tissue of an organ as distinguished from the connective and supporting tissue.
parenchyma n. (Botany) The cellular tissue, typically soft and succulent, found chiefly in the softer parts of leaves…
parenchyma n. (Zoology) Cellular tissue lying between the body wall and the organs of invertebrate animals lacking…
RHINOPHYMArhinophyma n. (Medicine) The condition of having a large, bulbous, ruddy nose caused by granulomatous infiltration…
RHINOPHYMA n. acne of the nose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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