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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, H, K, M, R and T

BIRTHMARKSbirthmarks n. Plural of birthmark.
BIRTHMARK n. a mark, e.g. a pigmented area or spot, on one's body at birth.
HEKTOGRAMSHEKTOGRAM n. a measure of weight, containing a hundred grams, also HECTOGRAM, HECTOGRAMME.
KHIDMUTGARkhidmutgar n. Alternative form of khitmatgar.
KHIDMUTGAR n. (Urdu) a table-servant, also KHITMUTGAR.
KHITMUTGARkhitmutgar n. Alternative spelling of khitmatgar.
KHITMUTGAR n. (Urdu) a table-servant, also KHIDMUTGAR.
LUKEWARMTHlukewarmth n. Lukewarmness.
LUKEWARMTH n. the state of being lukewarm.
MATCHMAKERmatchmaker n. Someone who finds suitable dates or marriage partners for other people.
matchmaker n. (By extension) Someone who arranges professional boxing matches.
matchmaker n. Someone who makes matchsticks.
MATCHMARKSmatchmarks n. Plural of matchmark.
MATCHMARK v. to mark mating components of an engine etc.
MATRIOSHKAmatrioshka n. Alternative form of matryoshka.
MATRIOSHKA n. (Russian) a Russian doll, also MATROYSHKA, MATRYOSHKA.
MATRIOSHKImatrioshki n. Plural of matrioshka.
MATRIOSHKA n. (Russian) a Russian doll, also MATROYSHKA, MATRYOSHKA.
MATROYSHKAMATROYSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATRYOSHKA.
MATRYOSHKAmatryoshka n. One of a set of wooden Russian dolls of different sizes, designed such that each fits inside the next.
MATRYOSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATROYSHKA.
MATRYOSHKImatryoshki n. Plural of matryoshka.
MATRYOSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATROYSHKA.
MUKHABARATmukhabarat n. Alternative form of Mukhabarat.
Mukhabarat n. The secret police or intelligence forces in certain Arabic-speaking countries.
MUKHABARAT n. (in Middle Eastern countries) a secret police force.
MYTHMAKERSmythmakers n. Plural of mythmaker.
MYTHMAKER n. a maker of myths.
SHIRTMAKERshirtmaker n. A person who makes shirts.
SHIRTMAKER n. one who makes shirts.
SHOTMAKERSshotmakers n. Plural of shotmaker.
SHOTMAKER n. in sport, a person who produces winning or attacking shots.
TACKHAMMERSorry, definition not available.
TOUCHMARKStouchmarks n. Plural of touchmark.
touch-marks n. Plural of touch-mark.
TOUCHMARK n. the maker's official stamp on pewter.
WATCHMAKERwatchmaker n. A person who repairs (and originally made) watches.
WATCHMAKER n. one that makes or repairs watches or clocks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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