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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, 2H, 2O and R

ANTHOPHOREanthophore n. (Botany) The stipe when developed into an internode between calyx and corolla, as in the pink family.
ANTHOPHORE n. the stipe when developed into an internode between calyx and corolla, as in the Pink family.
FATHERHOODfatherhood n. The state of being a father.
FATHERHOOD n. the state of being a father.
HARDIHOODShardihoods n. Plural of hardihood.
HARDIHOOD n. boldness; audacity, also HARDIHEAD, HARDIMENT.
HOARHOUNDShoarhounds n. Plural of hoarhound.
HOARHOUND n. a kind of wild flower, also HOREHOUND.
HODOGRAPHShodographs n. Plural of hodograph.
HODOGRAPH n. a curve of which the radius vector represents the velocity of a moving particle.
HOLOGRAPHSholographs n. Plural of holograph.
HOLOGRAPH n. a text written entirely in its author's handwriting.
HOLOGRAPHYholography n. (Physics) a technique for recording, and then reconstructing, the amplitude and phase distributions…
HOLOGRAPHY n. the technique or process of making or using holograms.
HOLOHEDRALholohedral adj. (Of a crystal) Having as many plane faces as needed for the highest degree of symmetry in its system.
HOLOHEDRAL adj. having all the planes required by complete symmetry, as opposed to hemihedral.
HOLOPHRASEHOLOPHRASE n. a single word expressing a sentence or phrase.
HOMOGRAPHShomographs n. Plural of homograph.
HOMOGRAPH n. one of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation e.g. bow (in hair) and bow (of a ship).
HOMOGRAPHYhomography n. The state or quality of being written in the same way, especially when spelled with the same letters…
homography n. (Geometry) An isomorphism between projective spaces that maps straight lines to straight lines.
HOMOGRAPHY n. a type of transformation that maps straight lines onto another plane.
HOROGRAPHYhorography n. (Historical) local history (in Ancient Greece) that involved the description of events.
horography n. The art of constructing dials or instruments for indicating the hours.
HOROGRAPHY n. the art of constructing sundials or clocks.
ORPHANHOODorphanhood n. The state of being an orphan; the losing of both parents through their death.
ORPHANHOOD n. the state of being an orphan, also ORPHANISM.
ORTHOGRAPHorthograph n. An orthographic projection.
ORTHOGRAPH n. a drawing in orthographic projection.
PHONOGRAPHphonograph n. A device that captures sound waves onto an engraved archive; a lathe.
phonograph n. (Britain, historical) A device that records or plays sound from cylinder records.
phonograph n. (North America, historical) A record player.
PHOTOGRAPHphotograph n. A picture created by projecting an image onto a photosensitive surface such as a chemically treated…
photograph v. (Transitive, intransitive) To take a photograph (of).
photograph v. (Transitive, figurative) To fix permanently in the memory etc.
RHODOPHANErhodophane n. (Biochemistry) The red pigment in the inner segments of the cones of the retina in animals.
RHODOPHANE n. the red pigment contained in the inner segments of the cones of the retina in animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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