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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, G, 2M, S and T

AGROSTEMMAAgrostemma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Caryophyllaceae – the corncockles, apparently originating with grain…
AGROSTEMMA n. a European caryophyllaceous plant, aka corncockle.
DOGMATISMSdogmatisms n. Plural of dogmatism.
DOGMATISM n. the manner or character of a dogmatist; arrogance or positiveness in stating opinion.
GEMMATIONSgemmations n. Plural of gemmation.
GEMMATION n. budding or gemma-formation.
GRAMMATISTgrammatist n. (Historical) A teacher of prose literature and letters in Ancient Greece.
grammatist n. A grammarian.
GRAMMATIST n. a petty grammarian.
IMMIGRANTSimmigrants n. Plural of immigrant.
IMMIGRANT n. a person who immigrates, also INMIGRANT.
IMMIGRATESimmigrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of immigrate.
IMMIGRATE v. to migrate into a country with the intention of settling in it.
MAGMATISMSMAGMATISM n. the production of magma.
MAGNETISMSmagnetisms n. Plural of magnetism.
MAGNETISM n. the state of being magnetic.
MEGASTORMSmegastorms n. Plural of megastorm.
mega-storms n. Alternative spelling of megastorms.
MEGASTORM n. a very large storm.
MIGMATITESmigmatites n. Plural of migmatite.
MIGMATITE n. a type of rock containing igneous and metamorphic elements.
MISMATINGSmismatings n. Plural of mismating.
MISMATING n. the act of mating wrongly or unsuitably.
MISOGAMISTmisogamist n. A person with a dislike or hatred of marriage.
MISOGAMIST n. one who hates marriage.
MONOGAMISTmonogamist n. A person who practices monogamy.
MONOGAMIST n. one who practices or upholds monogamy.
PRAGMATISMpragmatism n. The pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities; a concentration on facts rather than emotions or ideals.
pragmatism n. (Politics) The theory that political problems should be met with practical solutions rather than ideological ones.
pragmatism n. (Philosophy) The idea that beliefs are identified with the actions of a believer, and the truth of beliefs…
SIGMATISMSsigmatisms n. Plural of sigmatism.
SIGMATISM n. repetition of the sigma sound.
STAMMERINGstammering n. The act of one who stammers.
stammering v. Present participle of stammer.
STAMMERING adj. hesitant.
STIGMATISMstigmatism n. (Optics) Image-formation property of an optical system which focuses a single point source in object…
stigmatism n. (Medicine) Normal eyesight, anastigmatic state.
stigmatism n. (Pathology) State of having stigmata.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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