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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, G, I, T and 2U

AUTOGUIDESautoguides v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autoguide.
AUTOGUIDE n. a system whereby information on traffic conditions is collected by roadside sensors and relayed to drivers via receivers in their vehicles.
CUMULATINGcumulating v. Present participle of cumulate.
CUMULATE v. to heap together, to accumulate.
GRATUITOUSgratuitous adj. Given freely; unearned.
gratuitous adj. Unjustified or unnecessary; not called for by the circumstances.
GRATUITOUS adj. done freely; needless.
INAUGURATEinaugurate v. (Transitive) To induct into office with a formal ceremony.
inaugurate v. (Transitive) To dedicate ceremoniously; to initiate something in a formal manner.
inaugurate adj. Invested with office; inaugurated.
JUGULATINGjugulating v. Present participle of jugulate.
JUGULATE v. to cut the throat of.
JUGULATIONjugulation n. (Archaic) Prevention of a disease from progressing.
jugulation n. (Rare) Slitting of the throat as a way to kill something or someone.
JUGULATION n. the act of jugulating.
OUTARGUINGoutarguing v. Present participle of outargue.
out-arguing v. Present participle of out-argue.
out␣arguing v. Present participle of out argue.
OUTVALUINGoutvaluing v. Present participle of outvalue.
OUTVALUE v. to be worth more than.
SITUTUNGASsitutungas n. Plural of situtunga.
SITUTUNGA n. (Swahili) a species of African antelope, also SITATUNGA.
TUBULATINGtubulating v. Present participle of tubulate.
TUBULATE v. to form into a tube.
UNDAUNTINGundaunting adj. Not daunting.
UNDAUNTING adj. not daunting.
UNDULATINGundulating adj. Moving up and down like waves; wavy.
undulating adj. Forming a series of regular curves.
undulating v. Present participle of undulate.
USTULATINGUSTULATE v. to give a charred appearance to.
USUCAPTINGusucapting v. Present participle of usucapt.
USUCAPT v. to acquire by long possession.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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