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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, G, I, O, P and Z

APHORIZINGaphorizing v. Present participle of aphorize.
APHORIZE v. to make a concise statement, also APHORISE.
APOLOGIZEDapologized v. Simple past tense and past participle of apologize.
APOLOGIZE v. to express regret, also APOLOGISE.
APOLOGIZERapologizer n. Agent noun of apologize: one who apologizes.
APOLOGIZER n. one who apologises, also APOLOGISER.
APOLOGIZESapologizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apologize.
APOLOGIZE v. to express regret, also APOLOGISE.
CAPONIZINGcaponizing v. Present participle of caponize.
CAPONIZE v. to castrate a rooster, also CAPONISE.
PARALOGIZEparalogize v. To reason falsely; to draw conclusions not warranted by the premises.
PARALOGIZE v. to draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions, also PARALOGISE.
POLARIZINGpolarizing v. Present participle of polarize.
polarizing adj. That polarizes.
POLARIZE v. to give polarity to, also POLARISE.
POLYGAMIZEpolygamize v. (Intransitive) To practice polygamy: to marry more than one wife or husband.
polygamize v. (Rare, transitive) To marry (multiple spouses).
POLYGAMIZE v. to practise polygamy, also POLYGAMISE.
VAPORIZINGvaporizing v. Present participle of vaporize.
VAPORIZE v. to turn into vapor, also VAPORISE.
ZINCOGRAPHzincograph n. An engraved zinc plate used in zincography.
zincograph n. An engraving made with such a plate.
ZINCOGRAPH n. a plate or picture produced by zincography.
ZOOGRAPHICzoographic adj. Of or pertaining to zoography.
ZOOGRAPHIC adj. relating to zoography, the painting or description of animals, also ZOOGRAPHICAL.
ZOOPHAGIESZOOPHAGY n. the practice of feeding on animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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