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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, G, 3I and V

ACTIVIZINGactivizing v. Present participle of activize.
ACTIVIZE v. to activate, also ACTIVISE.
AVIANISINGAVIANISE v. to make eg a virus less severe by repeated culture in a chicken embryo stock, also AVIANIZE.
AVIANIZINGavianizing v. Present participle of avianize.
AVIANIZE v. to modify by repeated culture in a chick embryo, also AVIANISE.
CHIVARIINGchivariing v. Present participle of chivari.
CHIVARI v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVAREE, SHIVAREE.
GAINGIVINGgaingiving n. (Now rare) A misgiving; an internal feeling or prognostication of evil.
gaingiving n. A giving against or away. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
GAINGIVING n. (Shakespeare) a misgiving.
INVALIDINGinvaliding v. Present participle of invalid.
invaliding n. (UK) The act of exempting someone from duty because of injury or ill health.
INVALIDING n. the act of treating as an invalid.
INVIGILATEinvigilate v. (Intransitive) To oversee a test or exam.
INVIGILATE v. to keep watch; esp. to supervise students at an examination.
IRRIGATIVEirrigative adj. Relating to irrigation.
IRRIGATIVE adj. relating to irrigation.
MITIGATIVEmitigative adj. Serving to mitigate.
MITIGATIVE adj. tending to mitigate.
MITIGATIVE n. a mitigative drug.
RIVALISINGrivalising v. Present participle of rivalise.
RIVALISE v. to enter into rivalry, also RIVALIZE.
RIVALIZINGrivalizing v. Present participle of rivalize.
RIVALIZE v. to enter into rivalry, also RIVALISE.
TIDIVATINGtidivating v. Present participle of tidivate.
TIDIVATE v. to smarten up.
TITIVATINGtitivating v. Present participle of titivate.
TITIVATE v. to spruce up or adorn, also TIDIVATE, TITTIVATE.
VAGILITIESvagilities n. Plural of vagility.
VAGILITY n. freedom of movement.
VIRAGINIANviraginian adj. Of or pertaining to a virago; having the qualities of a virago.
VIRAGINIAN adj. of or pertaining to a virago, also VIRAGINOUS.
VITALISINGvitalising v. Present participle of vitalise.
VITALISE v. to give life to, also VITALIZE.
VITALIZINGvitalizing v. Present participle of vitalize.
VITALIZE v. to give life to, also VITALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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