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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, F, O and 3R

CARREFOURSCARREFOUR n. (French) a crossroads, a plaza.
FARMWORKERfarmworker n. A person hired to work on the farm or in the agricultural industry.
farm␣worker n. A person who works on, but does not own, a farm; an agricultural labourer.
FARMWORKER n. one who works on a farm.
FERROGRAMSferrograms n. Plural of ferrogram.
FERROGRAM n. a slide prepared to illustrate the suspended iron particles in the lubricant of a machine.
FORBEARERSforbearers n. Plural of forbearer.
FORBEARER n. one who forbears.
FOREBEARERforebearer n. (Rare) A forebear.
FOREWARNERforewarner n. One who forewarns.
FOREWARNER n. one who forewarns.
FORSWEARERforswearer n. One who forswears.
forswearer n. One who swears a false oath; perjurer.
FORSWEARER n. one who forswears.
FORWARDERSforwarders n. Plural of forwarder.
FORWARDER n. one who forwards.
FOURRAGEREfourragere n. Alternative form of fourragère.
fourragère n. A braided cord awarded to a military unit for distinguished service and worn on the left shoulder.
FOURRAGERE n. a braided cord worn round the left shoulder, esp. as a military decoration.
INFRAORDERinfraorder n. Alternative form of infra-order.
infra-order n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category below suborder and above superfamily.
PERFORATORperforator n. A tool or machine that makes holes, or perforates, materials such as paper and card.
perforator n. A machine that can bore a tunnel underground.
perforator n. (Anatomy) A perforating artery or vein.
REFRACTORSrefractors n. Plural of refractor.
REFRACTOR n. a refracting telescope.
REFRACTORYrefractory adj. Obstinate and unruly; strongly opposed to something.
refractory adj. Not affected by great heat.
refractory adj. (Medicine) Difficult to treat.
ROTORCRAFTrotorcraft n. Any aircraft that obtains its lift from rotors.
ROTORCRAFT n. a helicopter or autogyro.
TERRAFORMSterraforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of terraform.
TERRAFORM v. to make (another planet) earthlike.
TRANSFERORtransferor n. Someone who transfers his property to another.
TRANSFEROR n. one who transfers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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