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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, F, M, O, R and U

AUSFORMINGausforming v. Present participle of ausform.
AUSFORMING n. the act of deforming, quenching, and tempering a metal.
BACULIFORMbaculiform adj. Shaped like a bacillus; rod-shaped.
BACULIFORM adj. rod-shaped.
CAFETORIUMcafetorium n. A large room, usually in a school, used as both a cafeteria and an auditorium.
CAFETORIUM n. a large room designed for use as both a cafe and an auditorium.
CAMOUFLEURcamoufleur n. One who camouflages.
CAMOUFLEUR n. (French) a person or animal skilled in the art of camouflage.
FARMHOUSESfarmhouses n. Plural of farmhouse.
farm␣houses n. Plural of farm house.
FARMHOUSE n. the farmer's house attached to a farm.
FORAMINOUSforaminous adj. Covered with holes or foramina.
FORAMINOUS adj. having foramina; full of holes; porous.
FORMULATEDformulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of formulate.
FORMULATE v. to state or express in a clear definite form.
FORMULATESformulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of formulate.
FORMULATE v. to state or express in a clear definite form.
FORMULATORformulator n. A person who formulates.
FORMULATOR n. one who formulates.
FULMINATORfulminator n. One who fulminates, or criticizes intensely.
FULMINATOR n. one who fulminates.
FUMATORIESfumatories n. Plural of fumatory.
FUMATORY n. a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORIUM.
FUMATORIUMfumatorium n. An airtight compartment in which vapour may be generated to destroy germs or insects; especially, the…
FUMATORIUM n. (Latin) a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORY.
FUMIGATORSfumigators n. Plural of fumigator.
FUMIGATOR n. one who fumigates.
FUMIGATORYfumigatory adj. Having the quality of purifying by smoke.
FUMIGATORY adj. having the quality of purifying by smoke.
MACROFAUNAmacrofauna n. Any large animal that is not quite large enough to be considered megafauna, but larger than microfauna…
MACROFAUNA n. animals visible to the naked eye.
MICROFAUNAmicrofauna n. The smallest of the faunal size divisions, including mainly microorganisms but also sometimes applied…
MICROFAUNA n. very small animals.
MULTIFLORAmultiflora n. The hardy rose Rosa multiflora.
MULTIFLORA n. a type of climbing rose having clusters of small flowers.
QUADRIFORMquadriform adj. Having four forms, parts or aspects.
QUADRIFORM adj. having four forms or aspects.
RADULIFORMraduliform adj. Rasplike.
RADULIFORM adj. like a rasp or file.
SQUAMIFORMsquamiform adj. Having the shape or structure of a scale.
SQUAMIFORM adj. shaped like a scale.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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