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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, F, L, N and 2O

CONFLATIONconflation n. (Countable) A blowing or fusing together, as of many instruments in a concert, or of many fires in a foundry.
conflation n. (Uncountable) A blend or fusion, especially a composite reading or text formed by combining the material…
CONFLATION n. a combining or blending of two or more versions of a text.
CONFOCALLYconfocally adv. In a confocal way.
CONFOCAL adv. of a type of microscope, having the same focus.
CONFRONTALCONFRONTAL n. a confrontation.
CONTRAFLOWcontraflow n. Flow in the opposite direction to normal.
contraflow n. An abnormal state of a road or motorway where the traffic temporarily travels in the opposite direction…
CONTRAFLOW n. a system of traffic regulation on motorways, when one carriageway is closed and the other is arranged for two-way traffic.
FALCONOIDSFALCONOID n. an antioxidant compound found in tea and thought to resist cancer.
FLAVONOIDSflavonoids n. Plural of flavonoid.
FLAVONOID n. a kind of aromatic compound including many common pigments.
FLOATATIONfloatation n. Alternative spelling of flotation.
FLOATATION n. the act of floating, also FLOTATION.
FLOODPLAINfloodplain n. (Geography) An alluvial plain adjacent to a river formed by flooding during periods of high rain.
flood␣plain n. Alternative spelling of floodplain.
FLOODPLAIN n. an area bordering a stream over which water spreads when the stream tops its channel banks.
FLORIATIONfloriation n. Ornamentation by means of flower forms, either realistic or stylized.
FLORIATION n. decoration with floral ornament.
FLOTATIONSflotations n. Plural of flotation.
FLOTATION n. the act of floating, also FLOATATION.
FOILSWOMANFOILSWOMAN n. a woman who uses or specializes in using a foil.
FOLIATIONSfoliations n. Plural of foliation.
FOLIATION n. the process of bursting into leaf.
ISOFLAVONEisoflavone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of polyphenolic phytoestrogens found in soybeans and similar plants…
ISOFLAVONE n. a plant oestrogen, found esp. in soy beans, having possible nutritional benefits.
OFFLOADINGoffloading v. Present participle of offload.
offloading n. The act by which something is offloaded.
off-loading v. Present participle of off-load.
OLFACTIONSolfactions n. Plural of olfaction.
OLFACTION n. the act of perceiving by smell.
PUFTALOONSpuftaloons n. Plural of puftaloon.
PUFTALOON n. (Australian) a type of fried cake, eaten hot with jam, honey or sugar, also PUFFTALOONAS, PUFTALOONIES.
SANDALFOOTSorry, definition not available.
TANGLEFOOTtanglefoot n. (US, archaic, colloquial) Low-quality whiskey, especially home-brewed.
tanglefoot n. A sticky substance put at the base of trees or other plants to trap insects and prevent them from climbing up.
TANGLEFOOT n. (US) whisky, intoxicating liquor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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