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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, F, L, 2N and U

ANTIFUNGALantifungal adj. (Pharmacology) That inhibits the growth of fungi; antimycotic.
antifungal n. (Pharmacology) A drug that inhibits the growth of fungi.
ANTIFUNGAL adj. designed to prevent fungal infection.
ENDOSULFANendosulfan n. (Chemistry) a toxic chlorinated polycyclic insecticide used to control mites.
ENDOSULFAN n. a brownish crystalline insecticide.
FLAUNCHINGflaunching v. Present participle of flaunch.
flaunching n. The sloped mortar fillet around the base of a chimney pot, which serves to hold the pot in position…
flaunching n. A mortar fillet at the junction of the chimney stack and the roof; superseded in modern times by lead flashing.
FULMINANTSfulminants n. Plural of fulminant.
FULMINANT n. a thunderbolt; an explosive.
FUNCTIONALfunctional adj. In good working order.
functional adj. Useful; serving a purpose, fulfilling a function.
functional adj. Only for functional purposes, notably in architecture.
INFLUENZALinfluenzal adj. Of or relating to influenza.
INFLUENZAL adj. relating to influenza.
INFLUENZASinfluenzas n. Plural of influenza.
INFLUENZA n. a highly contagious viral infection.
MANFULNESSmanfulness n. The state of being manful.
MANFULNESS n. the state of being manful.
MEANINGFULmeaningful adj. Having meaning, significant.
MEANINGFUL adj. having a meaning or purpose.
NONFACTUALnonfactual adj. Not factual; false or fictional.
non-factual adj. Alternative form of nonfactual.
NONFACTUAL adj. not factual.
NONFACULTYnonfaculty adj. Not of or pertaining to faculty.
NONFACULTY n. a position that is not part of an academic faculty.
UNAFFLUENTunaffluent adj. Not affluent.
UNAFFLUENT adj. not affluent.
UNFADINGLYunfadingly adv. In an unfading way; eternally, immortally.
UNFADING adv. not fading.
UNFINDABLEunfindable adj. Not findable; that cannot be found.
UNFINDABLE adj. that cannot be found.
UNFLAGGINGunflagging adj. Never tiring or lacking energy; without rest; without slowing.
UNFLAGGING adj. not flagging.
UNINFLAMEDuninflamed adj. Not inflamed.
UNINFLAMED adj. not inflamed.
UNINFLATEDuninflated adj. Not inflated.
UNINFLATED adj. not inflated.
UNMANFULLYunmanfully adv. In an unmanful manner.
UNMANFUL adv. not manful.
UNTHANKFULunthankful adj. Not thankful; ungrateful.
UNTHANKFUL adj. not thankful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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