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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, F, I, O, P and T

COMPACTIFYcompactify v. (Humorous, intransitive) To become compact or more compact.
compactify v. (Humorous, transitive) To render (a thing) compact or more compact.
compactify v. (Mathematics, transitive) To enlarge (a topological space) in order to render it compact.
FACTORSHIPfactorship n. The business of a factor.
FACTORSHIP n. the business of a factor.
FETIPAROUSfetiparous adj. (Of a marsupial) bearing offspring born not fully developed.
FETIPAROUS adj. of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, giving birth to incompletely developed offspring, also FOETIPAROUS.
FLASHPOINTflashpoint n. Alternative form of flash point.
flash␣point n. (Physics) The lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture in air near the surface…
flash␣point n. (Figuratively) A hotspot; a dangerous place of violent political unrest.
FLOPTICALSflopticals n. Plural of floptical.
FLOPTICAL n. a type of read-write head using a laser device.
FORCIPATEDforcipated adj. Like a pair of forceps.
FORCIPATED adj. formed and opening like a forceps, also FORCIPATE.
FORTEPIANOfortepiano n. A keyboard instrument; the smaller, quieter precursor to the pianoforte.
FORTEPIANO adj. loud with immediate relapse into softness.
FORTEPIANO n. the eighteenth century name for an early type of piano; a fortepiano note.
PARROTFISHparrotfish n. Any of several tropical marine fish of the family Scaridae known for their beak-like mass of teeth used…
PARROTFISH n. a brightly coloured tropical fish, having parrot-like jaws.
PATRIFOCALpatrifocal adj. Patriarchal.
PATRIFOCAL adj. centred on the father.
PERFOLIATEperfoliate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Appearing to have the stem passing through the blade.
perfoliate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having the leaf round the stem at the base.
perfoliate adj. (Zoology) Surrounded by a circle of hairs, etc.
PIANOFORTEpianoforte n. (Music, dated) A piano.
piano-forte n. Alternative form of pianoforte.
PIANOFORTE n. (Italian) a large keyboard musical instrument.
PONTIFICALpontifical adj. Of or pertaining to a pontiff.
pontifical adj. Pompous, dignified or dogmatic.
pontifical adj. Splendid; magnificent.
PROFASCISTprofascist adj. In favour of fascism.
profascist n. A supporter of fascism.
PROFASCIST adj. supporting fascism.
PROFITABLEprofitable adj. Producing a profit.
profitable adj. Beneficial, serviceable, of use.
PROFITABLE adj. yielding profit.
PROFITABLYprofitably adv. In a profitable manner, in a way that achieves profit or gain.
PROFITABLE adv. yielding profit.
PROFLIGATEprofligate adj. Inclined to waste resources or behave extravagantly.
profligate adj. Immoral; abandoned to vice.
profligate adj. (Obsolete) Overthrown, ruined.
STAINPROOFstainproof adj. Resistant to stains.
stainproof v. (Transitive) To make resistant to stains.
STAINPROOF adj. proof against stains.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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