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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, F, I, N, P and T

AFTERPAINSafterpains n. Plural of afterpain.
after-pains n. Plural of after-pain.
AFTERPAIN n. pain that comes after a while.
FACEPRINTSfaceprints n. Plural of faceprint.
FACEPRINT n. a digitally recorded representation of a person's face that can be used for security purposes.
FLASHPOINTflashpoint n. Alternative form of flash point.
flash␣point n. (Physics) The lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture in air near the surface…
flash␣point n. (Figuratively) A hotspot; a dangerous place of violent political unrest.
FLIPPANTLYflippantly adv. In a flippant manner.
FLIPPANT adv. lacking proper respect or seriousness.
FORTEPIANOfortepiano n. A keyboard instrument; the smaller, quieter precursor to the pianoforte.
FORTEPIANO adj. loud with immediate relapse into softness.
FORTEPIANO n. the eighteenth century name for an early type of piano; a fortepiano note.
PATHFINDERpathfinder n. One who discovers a way or path; one who explores untraversed regions.
pathfinder n. One who first does something; a pioneer.
PATHFINDER n. one that discovers a way.
PIANOFORTEpianoforte n. (Music, dated) A piano.
piano-forte n. Alternative form of pianoforte.
PIANOFORTE n. (Italian) a large keyboard musical instrument.
PINFEATHERpinfeather n. A developing feather as it emerges through the skin.
PINFEATHER n. a feather not fully developed; esp. a rudimentary feather just emerging through the skin.
PINNATIFIDpinnatifid adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having lobes with incisions that extend less than half-way toward the midrib.
PINNATIFID adj. of leaves, pinnately cut roughly halfway down.
PLAINTIFFSplaintiffs n. Plural of plaintiff.
PLAINTIFF n. a person or body suing a defendant in a court of law.
PONTIFICALpontifical adj. Of or pertaining to a pontiff.
pontifical adj. Pompous, dignified or dogmatic.
pontifical adj. Splendid; magnificent.
STAINPROOFstainproof adj. Resistant to stains.
stainproof v. (Transitive) To make resistant to stains.
STAINPROOF adj. proof against stains.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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