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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, F, I and 3L

BALLFIELDSballfields n. Plural of ballfield.
BALLFIELD n. a field for playing a sport using a ball; especially a baseball field.
FILMICALLYfilmically adv. In a filmic manner.
FILMIC adv. pertaining to motion pictures.
FLAGELLINSflagellins n. Plural of flagellin.
FLAGELLIN n. a polymeric protein that is the chief constituent of bacterial flagella.
FOLLICULARfollicular adj. Of, pertaining to, having or resembling follicles.
FOLLICULAR adj. like, pertaining to, or consisting of, a follicles or follicles.
INFALLIBLEinfallible n. A person who, or an object or process that, is taken as being infallible.
infallible adj. Without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy.
infallible adj. Certain to produce the intended effect, sure.
INFALLIBLYinfallibly adv. In an infallible manner.
INFALLIBLE adv. not capable of failure, also UNFALLIBLE.
LANDFILLEDlandfilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of landfill.
LANDFILL v. to dispose waste into landfill.
REFILLABLErefillable adj. Capable of being filled again.
refillable n. Any product that can be refilled.
REFILLABLE adj. that can be refilled.
UNFALLIBLEunfallible adj. Obsolete form of infallible.
UNFALLIBLE adj. (Shakespeare) infallible.
UNFILIALLYunfilially adv. In an unfilial manner.
UNFILIAL adv. not filial.
UNFILLABLEunfillable adj. Not fillable; not able to be filled.
unfillable adj. Able to be unfilled.
UNFILLABLE adj. not fillable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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