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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, F, H, L, O and S

COALFISHEScoalfishes n. Plural of coalfish.
COALFISH n. a dusky fish.
DOLLARFISHdollarfish n. Peprilus triacanthus, the American butterfish.
DOLLARFISH n. any of various fishes that have a rounded compressed silvery body, esp. the moonfishes or the American butterfish.
FACECLOTHSfacecloths n. Plural of facecloth.
face␣cloths n. Plural of face cloth.
FACECLOTH n. a cloth used in washing the face.
FALSEHOODSfalsehoods n. Plural of falsehood.
FALSEHOOD n. a lie.
FATHOMLESSfathomless adj. Very deep (especially of water deeper than a lead line can measure); bottomless.
fathomless adj. (By extension) unfathomable or incomprehensible.
FATHOMLESS adj. incapable of being fathomed.
FAULCHIONSfaulchions n. Plural of faulchion.
FAULCHION n. a curved short sword with a broad blade, also FALCHION, FAUCHION, FAUCHON.
FLASHBOARDflashboard n. (US) A board placed temporarily upon a milldam, to raise the water in the pond above its usual level.
FLASHBOARD n. one of a set of boards set up at the sides of a water channel to deepen it.
FLASHOVERSflashovers n. Plural of flashover.
flash␣overs n. Plural of flash over.
FLASHOVER n. an electric discharge over the surface of an insulator.
FLASHPOINTflashpoint n. Alternative form of flash point.
flash␣point n. (Physics) The lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture in air near the surface…
flash␣point n. (Figuratively) A hotspot; a dangerous place of violent political unrest.
FLOATHOUSESorry, definition not available.
FLOORHEADSfloorheads n. Plural of floorhead.
FLOORHEAD n. the upper end of a ship's floor timber.
FLOWCHARTSflowcharts n. Plural of flowchart.
flow␣charts n. Plural of flow chart.
FLOWCHART n. a chart pictorially representing the nature and sequence of operations to be carried out, e.g. in a computer program.
HARBORFULSharborfuls n. Plural of harborful.
HARBORFUL n. the contents of a harbor, also HARBOURFUL.
HEATHFOWLSHEATHFOWL n. a red, or black, grouse.
LOANSHIFTSloanshifts n. Plural of loanshift.
LOANSHIFT n. the adaptation of a word from one language to another.
OUTFLASHEDoutflashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outflash.
OUTFLASH v. to flash more brightly.
OUTFLASHESoutflashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outflash.
OUTFLASH v. to flash more brightly.
PHOTOFLASHphotoflash n. (Photography) A lamp that emits a brief flash of bright light; used to take photographs in a dark environment.
photoflash n. (Photography) A flashbulb.
PHOTOFLASH n. a photographic flash.
SHORTFALLSshortfalls n. Plural of shortfall.
short-falls n. Plural of short-fall.
SHORTFALL n. the fact or amount of falling short.
STOMACHFULstomachful n. Enough to fill one’s stomach.
stomachful n. As much as one can stomach.
stomachful adj. (Obsolete) sullen; obstinate; perverse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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